The Neuroscience of Empathy | Thomas Lewis | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

December 17, 2007
Talks at Google
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The Neuroscience of Empathy | Thomas Lewis | Talks at Google


Dr. Thomas Lewis discusses the neural mechanisms behind empathy, including modeling, projection of self-perspective, and balancing self and other.

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Key Insights

  • 😨 Empathy is an evolutionary adaptation to ensure the survival and care of offspring.
  • 🤳 The brain uses modeling, projection of self-perspective, and balancing self and other to understand and connect with others.
  • 🥺 Deficits in empathy can lead to sociopathy and narcissism.
  • 🖐️ Gender differences may play a role in the neural basis of empathy.
  • 👻 Plasticity in the brain allows for the adaptation and development of empathy throughout life.
  • 🆘 Understanding the neuroscience of empathy can help improve relationships and societal interactions.
  • ❓ Empathy is both a biological and social phenomenon, influenced by both nature and nurture.


well thank you all for coming and welcome to another author at Google event we are very fortunate to have Dr Thomas Lewis here with us today Dr Lewis is an assistant clinical professor in the department of Psychiatry at the U UCSF school of medicine and professor at the FR Institute at USF he has lectured on a broad range of topics related to psych... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the evolutionary background of empathy?

Empathy has evolved as a way for mammals to survive and care for their young. It allows individuals to understand and model others' emotions and behaviors, leading to better familial and social connections.

Q: How does the brain model other people's emotions and behaviors?

The brain uses various mechanisms, including running internal simulations of what it would be like to be in another person's shoes. This modeling function allows individuals to understand and even feel the emotions and sensations of others.

Q: How does the projection of self-perspective work?

The brain can imaginatively project one's own point of view into different locations and scenarios. This ability helps individuals understand how others perceive the world and allows for a deeper level of empathy.

Q: What happens when the balance between self and other is disrupted?

When self-perspective dominates too much, it can lead to selfishness and narcissistic behavior. Conversely, when empathy overrides self-interest, individuals may neglect their own needs. Finding the right balance is crucial for healthy social interactions.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Dr. Lewis presents the evolutionary background of the brain and how it has developed to understand and experience empathy.

  • He explains the three mechanisms of empathy: modeling, projection of self-perspective, and balancing self and other.

  • The talk also delves into the implications of empathy deficits, such as sociopathy and narcissism.

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