The Moment It Clicks | Joe McNally | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

May 21, 2008
Talks at Google
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The Moment It Clicks | Joe McNally | Talks at Google


Photographer Joe MCN discusses his career and experiences, from shooting for prestigious publications to working in different countries, showcasing the power of photography as a storytelling medium.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ’± Being a photographer requires tenacity and adaptability to navigate the ever-changing industry.
  • πŸ”‰ Photography is a powerful storytelling medium that can convey emotions and experiences to an audience.
  • πŸ›οΈ Building connections and trust with subjects is essential to capturing authentic and impactful photographs.
  • πŸ’¦ Enjoying the process and finding fun in photography is crucial to producing high-quality work.
  • πŸ§” Photographers have the opportunity to bear witness to significant events and share important stories with the world.
  • πŸ€— Embracing uncertainty and being open to different paths can lead to diverse and fulfilling career opportunities in photography.
  • πŸ₯‘ Lighting, composition, and taking risks are all crucial elements in creating impactful and visually compelling photographs.


good afternoon everyone we'd like to welcome you to another authors at Google talk today we are featuring The internationally claimed photographer Joe MCN he's going to be talking to us about his book the moment it clicks as well as his life um being a photographer from everything from National Geographic to Time Magazine to Sports Illustrated we'r... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the idea for MCN's book, "The Moment it Clicks" come about?

MCN explains that the book was prompted by Scott Kelby, who suggested that he write down the lessons and advice he imparts during his lighting classes. This led to the publication of the book, which offers insights into MCN's approach to photography and his experiences in the field.

Q: What is MCN's philosophy about being a photographer?

MCN believes that being a photographer is an open-ended profession with no secrets or mysteries. He emphasizes the importance of keeping your head in the game and having tenacity in order to succeed. He also believes that photography should be fun and that it is crucial for photographers to enjoy what they do in order to produce quality work.

Q: How does MCN describe his career path as a photographer?

MCN describes his career as a photographer as a series of episodes and shifts, going from black and white street photography to working for ABC television and freelancing for various publications. He mentions that being a photographer requires embracing uncertainty and adapting to different paths and opportunities.

Q: What were some of MCN's most memorable experiences as a photographer?

MCN highlights some of his memorable experiences, including photographing the aftermath of 9/11, spending time with Navajo Code Talkers, shooting on location for National Geographic stories, and documenting the lives of extraordinary individuals like the Foley families and the Lopez siblings.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Joe MCN shares his journey as a photographer, from starting at the Daily News in New York to shooting for publications like National Geographic and Sports Illustrated.

  • He highlights the importance of staying curious and tenacious in the photography field, as well as finding joy and fun in the process.

  • MCN discusses specific projects he has worked on, including stories on human eyes, globalization of culture, and the aftermath of 9/11.

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