The Genetic Revolution and Predictive Medicine | Brandon Colby | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

October 26, 2011
Talks at Google
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The Genetic Revolution and Predictive Medicine | Brandon Colby | Talks at Google


Genetic testing can provide valuable information about a person's risk for various diseases and enable personalized prevention and treatment strategies.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Genetic testing can identify common diseases and rare inherited conditions, enabling personalized prevention and treatment strategies.
  • 👨‍🔬 The accuracy of genetic testing predictions varies depending on the disease and the amount of research conducted on the associated genes.
  • 💁 Genetic testing has the potential to save lives, improve healthcare sustainability, and benefit future generations by providing actionable information about disease risk.
  • 💁 Whole genome sequencing is a more comprehensive form of genetic testing, but it is still primarily used in research settings.


Jen Clark: Hello everyone. Welcome. Thanks for coming. I'm really happy about today. My name is Jen Clark. I'm from the benefits team. I work on the OYL program. This is part of the health@speaker series which is aimed at providing information to Googlers about health and wellness topics. I've got a slide up there that tells you a little bit more... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the aim of genetic testing?

The aim of genetic testing is to personalize healthcare by gaining access to an individual's genetic information and using it to prevent diseases from occurring or minimize their impact.

Q: Can genetic testing identify common diseases?

Yes, genetic testing can identify common diseases such as heart disease, various types of cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. The accuracy of predictions varies depending on the amount of research done for each disease.

Q: Does a person's genetic profile change over time?

The raw genetic data, the actual genetic code, remains static throughout a person's life. However, environmental factors and lifestyle choices can affect gene expression, which can modify disease risk.

Q: How accurate is genetic testing in identifying rare diseases?

Genetic testing can identify rare diseases and often finds a higher prevalence of carriers than previously estimated. The accuracy of predicting rare diseases depends on the amount of research conducted on the associated genes.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Genetic testing combines comprehensive genetic analysis and personalized prevention based on an individual's genes.

  • By gaining access to our genes through genetic testing, we can personalize healthcare and make preventive measures before diseases manifest.

  • Genetic testing allows for tailored lifestyle modifications, medication choices, and even surgery based on an individual's genetic profile.

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