The Game-changing 'Come Back' | Siddharth Jain | TEDxHAL Public School | Summary and Q&A

September 22, 2023
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The Game-changing 'Come Back' | Siddharth Jain | TEDxHAL Public School


Failure is underrated; success is the end result. Embracing failure leads to remarkable comebacks.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Failure is often overlooked in comparison to success, but it is an essential part of personal growth.
  • 🥺 Embracing failure as a learning opportunity can lead to remarkable comebacks and future successes.
  • 🤩 Resilience and determination to come back stronger after failure are key to achieving long-term success.
  • 🛟 Learning from failures and making a comeback is a valuable life lesson that shapes one's outlook on challenges.
  • 💠 The journey of failure to success is filled with valuable lessons and experiences that shape individuals.
  • ❓ Overcoming failures requires a positive attitude and the willingness to learn from mistakes.
  • ❓ Society's focus on success often neglects the importance of failures in personal growth and development.


morning everyone let's talk about something one important word I believe is one of the most underrated word in our life in our journey in our society while we talk about that world we'll talk about another word which is kind of reaction to this word so let's talk about the first paradigm failure I think in our society failure is one word which is t... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is failure considered an underrated word in society?

Failure is often overshadowed by success in societal conversations, but it plays a crucial role in personal growth and development. Embracing failure can lead to incredible insight and resilience.

Q: How did the speaker's experience of failure in giving a speech shape his outlook on life?

The speaker's childhood experience of failing in delivering a speech taught him the importance of making a comeback. He learned that failures are opportunities for growth and eventual success.

Q: What lesson did the speaker learn from his failure in reciting the inaugural speech?

The speaker realized that the ability to come back after failure is invaluable. Making a successful comeback is a testament to one's resilience and determination to succeed.

Q: Why does the speaker emphasize the significance of failures in life?

The speaker highlights the importance of failures as essential learning experiences. Embracing failures and making comebacks ultimately lead to personal development and success.


In this video, the speaker discusses the importance of failure and how it is often underrated in society. He shares a personal story from his childhood where he experienced failure and the subsequent comeback. He emphasizes that the ability to come back from failure is what truly matters in life and that it leads to the most memorable moments and achievements.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the most underrated word in our society?

The most underrated word in our society is "failure." While we constantly strive for success, failure is often overlooked and not discussed as much. However, the speaker believes that failure is actually a crucial part of the journey towards success.

Q: Why is failure important?

Failure is important because it is through failure that we learn and grow. It provides us with valuable lessons and insights that we wouldn't have gained otherwise. Failure allows us to reassess our strategies, make improvements, and ultimately come back stronger.

Q: How does the speaker's personal story illustrate the importance of failure?

The speaker shares a story from his childhood where he failed during a speech on stage. However, this failure didn't stop him. Instead, he was given a second chance and used it to overcome his fear and deliver an impactful speech without relying on a paper. This experience taught him the importance of coming back from failure and gave him the confidence to face future challenges.

Q: What was the speaker's main takeaway from the experience?

The speaker's main takeaway from this experience was the realization that the ability to come back from failure is invaluable. Even though he failed in that moment, he learned that failure is not the end but rather the beginning of something greater. He now takes pride in the number of times he has failed because he knows that his ability to come back is what has shaped him into who he is today.

Q: How did the speaker apply the lessons of failure in his academic journey?

When the speaker initially took the IIT exam, he didn't achieve a high rank. However, he didn't let this failure discourage him. Instead, he applied the lessons he learned from his previous experiences with failure and made a comeback. He took the exam again, and this time, he was able to succeed and get into the IIT. This exemplifies how the ability to come back from failure can lead to greater achievements.

Q: Why does the speaker believe that the most important stage comes after failure?

The speaker believes that the most important stage comes after failure because it is during this stage that we have the opportunity to learn, grow, and prove ourselves. Failure acts as a catalyst for change and pushes us to improve. It is through the comeback stage that we create our most significant achievements and memorable moments.

Q: How can failure be beneficial for personal development?

Failure serves as a valuable teacher for personal development. It forces us to reevaluate our actions, adopt new approaches, and learn from our mistakes. By acknowledging and accepting our failures, we become more resilient, adaptable, and better equipped to handle future challenges. Failure is an essential ingredient in personal growth and self-improvement.

Q: Are setbacks and failures necessary for success?

Yes, setbacks and failures are often necessary for success. They provide us with opportunities to reassess our goals, refine our strategies, and strengthen our determination. Without facing setbacks and failures, we may not develop the resilience, perseverance, and skills needed to achieve long-term success. Setbacks and failures serve as stepping stones towards success.

Q: How can one maintain a positive mindset in the face of failure?

Maintaining a positive mindset in the face of failure requires reframing your perspective. Instead of viewing failure as a defeat, see it as a learning opportunity. Embrace the lessons and knowledge gained from the experience, and focus on how you can improve and come back stronger. Cultivating self-belief, resilience, and perseverance will help maintain a positive mindset in the face of failure.

Q: What can we learn from the speaker's story about failure and success?

From the speaker's story, we learn that failure is not something to be afraid of or ashamed of. It is a natural part of life and a stepping stone towards success. Failure teaches us important lessons, helps us grow as individuals, and builds our ability to bounce back. Success is not just about reaching the end goal but also about the journey and the lessons we learn along the way.


The video emphasizes the importance of failure and the ability to come back from it. Failure is often underrated, but it is through failure that we learn, grow, and achieve greater success. It is essential to maintain a positive mindset in the face of failure and use it as an opportunity for personal development. The most important stage in life comes after failure, where we can create our most significant achievements and fond memories. Failure is not the end but rather the beginning of something greater.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Failure is often overlooked in society, while success is celebrated as the ultimate achievement.

  • Embracing failure as part of the journey is crucial for personal growth and success.

  • Learning from failures and making a comeback is essential for resilience and future triumphs.

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