The Evolution of Fashion | Jason Wu & Martha Hunt | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

September 1, 2016
Talks at Google
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The Evolution of Fashion | Jason Wu & Martha Hunt | Talks at Google


Fashion designer Jason Wu and model Martha Hunt discuss their careers in fashion, including their experiences with dressing celebrities and the importance of embracing diversity in the industry.

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Key Insights

  • 🉐 Jason Wu started his career in fashion at a young age, gaining hands-on experience and learning on the job.
  • 🍉 The fashion industry has become more inclusive, with a focus on embracing diversity in terms of body size, ethnicity, and personality.
  • 👻 Technology has had a significant impact on the fashion industry, allowing for more innovative and efficient methods of creating clothes.
  • 🔉 Social media has become an important tool for fashion brands to connect with their audience and create a brand identity.
  • 💨 The modeling industry has shifted away from a one-size-fits-all approach, embracing models with different body sizes, backgrounds, and personalities.
  • ♻️ Retail experiences are becoming more focused on creating an intimate and curated environment, providing customers with a unique and special experience.
  • 🌗 Sustainability in fashion is a multifaceted issue, with an emphasis on sourcing materials ethically and creating long-lasting products.


MARTHA HUNT: So hi, guys. I'm really excited to be here today. This is my first Google Talk. And I'm very excited to be talking about fashion with my friend Jason Wu. He's a very creative and talented designer, one of the best in the world. So let's get started. JASON WU: Sure. MARTHA HUNT: We've known each other for about five years now, right? JA... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Jason Wu start his career in fashion?

Jason Wu started his career in fashion at the age of 23, leaving school to gain hands-on experience. He had a curiosity about how everything worked and was not afraid to try things out and learn on the job.

Q: What challenges did Jason Wu face in the fashion industry?

Jason Wu faced the challenge of not coming from a fashion background, with his dad being in the agriculture industry. He had limited knowledge about the ins and outs of fashion and started with little money. However, he was determined to succeed and gained a lot of experience through trial and error.

Q: How has technology changed the fashion industry?

Technology has had a significant impact on the fashion industry, particularly in terms of fabric production and garment design. It has allowed for more innovative and efficient methods of creating clothes. Social media has also become an important tool for fashion brands to connect with their audience and create a brand identity.

Q: How has the modeling industry changed in terms of diversity?

Martha Hunt discusses how the modeling industry has become more inclusive, with a greater emphasis on embracing diversity in terms of body size, ethnicity, and personality. In the past, models were expected to fit a particular mold, but now there is a recognition of the importance of representing different types of women.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Jason Wu discusses his career in fashion, starting from when he was 23 years old and his curiosity about how everything worked in the industry.

  • Martha Hunt talks about how the fashion industry has changed, with a greater emphasis on inclusivity and diversity, and the challenges they both faced in the industry.

  • They also discuss the impact of technology on fashion, emphasizing the importance of creating a brand and using social media to connect with audiences.

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