The Art of Rediscovering Kindness | Davu Habtamu | TEDxKeystoneAcademyBJ | Summary and Q&A

September 25, 2023
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The Art of Rediscovering Kindness | Davu Habtamu | TEDxKeystoneAcademyBJ


Kindness has the power to create a chain reaction and impact the world around us, starting with small acts of kindness towards ourselves and others.

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Key Insights

  • 🧑‍🏭 The Butterfly Effect applies to kindness, where even small acts can have a significant impact.
  • 🍳 Kindness starts from within, by being kind to ourselves and giving ourselves a break.
  • 🪡 Kindness should extend to excluded individuals, as they often need it the most.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Kindness creates a chain reaction, where one act of kindness leads to more acts of kindness.
  • ✊ Kindness has the power to create a more inclusive and compassionate society.
  • 🌍 The impact of kindness is felt by individuals and has the potential to change the world.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Kindness is not complicated and can be as simple as a kind act or a kind word.


thank you now I want to begin by reminding everybody for Keystone faculty and students especially of a speech that our head of school Dr McCarron made from the beginning of the year now she brought up a key concept a key idea that I want to bring back today it's called The Butterfly Effect and the principle is quite simple the idea says a butterfly... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the Butterfly Effect relate to kindness?

The Butterfly Effect suggests that even small acts of kindness can have a significant impact, just as a butterfly flap can cause a tornado in another part of the world. Kindness can create a positive ripple effect.

Q: How does kindness start?

Kindness starts from within, by being kind to ourselves and giving ourselves positive self-talk. It then extends to others through acts of kindness towards friends, family, and even strangers.

Q: Why is it important to show kindness to excluded individuals?

Excluded individuals often need kindness the most. By showing kindness to them, we can make a significant impact on their lives and create a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Q: How does kindness create a chain reaction?

By starting with a kind act, we set off a chain reaction of kindness. When we show kindness to someone, they are more likely to pass that kindness onto others, creating a positive cycle.


In this video, the speaker discusses the concept of the Butterfly Effect and explores the idea that small acts of kindness can have a significant impact on the world. They discuss the current state of kindness in the world, the importance of defining and reflecting on what kindness means to each individual, and the historical context of World War II as an example of the Butterfly Effect in action. The speaker also explains that kindness starts from within oneself and emphasizes the importance of taking action and being kind to those who may be excluded. They conclude by highlighting the powerful and transformative nature of kindness and provide motivational quotes to inspire others to start their own Butterfly Effect of kindness.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the Butterfly Effect?

The Butterfly Effect is the idea that a small action or event can have far-reaching and unexpected consequences. It suggests that even the smallest action, similar to a butterfly flapping its wings, can lead to significant changes in other parts of the world or in our own lives.

Q: How does the speaker relate the Butterfly Effect to kindness?

The speaker extends the concept of the Butterfly Effect to kindness, suggesting that small acts of kindness can have a significant impact on the world. They propose that just as a butterfly flap can cause a tornado, a single act of kindness has the potential to create a positive chain reaction and make a difference in someone's life.

Q: Does the speaker believe that the world has become a kinder place?

The speaker acknowledges that there has been progress in certain areas, such as poverty rates decreasing and economic progress, indicating that the world has become somewhat kinder. However, they also highlight the existence of armed conflict areas and the displacement of millions of people, suggesting that kindness has not yet permeated all areas of the world.

Q: What is the significance of the teacher and the elevator incident mentioned by the speaker?

The teacher and elevator incident serves as an example of the Butterfly Effect in action. The speaker observes a moment of pure kindness when the teacher and another person, despite speaking different languages and coming from different cultures, manage to understand each other and act with kindness. This incident reinforces the idea that kindness can transcend barriers and have a profound impact on people's lives.

Q: How does the speaker define kindness?

The speaker encourages the audience to reflect on the meaning of kindness for themselves and define it based on their own experiences and beliefs. They explain that kindness starts with being kind to oneself, giving oneself positive self-talk, and taking valuable moments for personal well-being. Kindness is also shown by attending important events for friends, family, or loved ones and taking action to help others.

Q: Why does the speaker emphasize the importance of being kind to oneself?

The speaker emphasizes the significance of being kind to oneself because they believe that kindness should start from within. By being kind to oneself and taking care of one's well-being, individuals will have the strength and authenticity to extend kindness to others. It serves as the foundation for spreading kindness to the world.

Q: What does the speaker suggest about excluded individuals when it comes to kindness?

The speaker suggests that excluded individuals are often the ones who need kindness the most. They encourage the audience to take a stand and look for those who are excluded or overlooked. By being aware of those who may need kindness the most, individuals can make a greater impact and contribute to positive change.

Q: What is the speaker's final principle of kindness?

The speaker's final principle is that kindness comes back to the individual who initiates it. They explain that by starting with a kind act, it sets off a chain reaction that eventually brings kindness back to the individual. The impact of kindness is universal, and it has the power to leave a lasting impression on everyone involved.

Q: How does the speaker conclude the video?

The speaker concludes by stating that kindness does not have to be complicated. They compare kindness to making a throw, suggesting that it can be a simple, intentional act. The speaker shares motivational quotes with the audience and encourages them to pass them on, further spreading kindness. They emphasize that through individual acts of kindness, a Butterfly Effect can be created, leading to positive change in the world.


The video highlights the immense power and transformative nature of kindness, portraying it as an essential aspect of creating a kinder world. It suggests that even the smallest act of kindness can have a significant impact, akin to a butterfly flap causing a storm. The importance of being kind to oneself, taking action towards excluded individuals, and understanding the cyclical nature of kindness is emphasized. By starting with small acts of kindness and inspiring others to do the same, individuals can contribute to a positive Butterfly Effect of kindness, ultimately creating a more compassionate and interconnected world.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Butterfly Effect is the concept that small actions can have far-reaching consequences.

  • The world has made progress in some areas, but there are still many problems, including poverty and armed conflicts.

  • Kindness starts from within, by being kind to ourselves, and extends to others through acts of kindness.

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