The Art of Healthy Communication in the Digital Age | Ayesha Shakil | TEDxWinchesterSchoolJebelAli | Summary and Q&A

March 6, 2024
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The Art of Healthy Communication in the Digital Age | Ayesha Shakil | TEDxWinchesterSchoolJebelAli


Social media has led to the reduction of personal connections and intimate conversations, resulting in behaviors like ghosting and a fear of authenticity.

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Key Insights

  • 😀 Technology, including social media, has become an integral part of daily life, but it has resulted in a decrease in meaningful face-to-face interactions and personal exchanges.
  • 😨 Ghosting culture is a common behavior in today's society, driven by a fear of commitment and authentic relationships.
  • 🥺 Social media promotes a false sense of reality, leading youth to believe they must conform to certain standards, which increases anxiety and pressure.
  • 🤯 Digital literacy and education should be prioritized to empower young minds to navigate the online world safely and responsibly.


it's 700 p.m. and you're getting dinner it could be with anybody you know maybe a friend a colleague maybe somebody that you've always seen around but you've never had the pleasure of actually getting to know them it doesn't matter who really what I want you to imagine is that you're having the most invigorating conversation with them as the night ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How has social media affected personal connections and intimate conversations?

Social media has reduced the depth and authenticity of personal connections, as conversations often lack substance and are superficial. This is due to the pressure to present a curated version of oneself and the fear of vulnerability.

Q: What is ghosting culture?

Ghosting culture refers to the phenomenon of abruptly ending communication with no explanation or reasoning. It is commonly used as a way to avoid commitment, foster real relationships, or step outside one's comfort zone.

Q: Why do people resort to ghosting instead of having open and honest conversations?

People may choose to ghost others out of fear. This includes fear of commitment, fear of fostering genuine relationships, and fear of stepping out of their comfort zones. Ghosting allows individuals to avoid difficult conversations and confrontation.

Q: How does social media contribute to anxiety and pressure among youth?

Social media presents a curated version of people's lives, creating unrealistic standards of perfection and success. Youth feel the need to conform and fit in, leading to anxiety and pressure to be well-liked and accepted.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The digital age and technology have become integral parts of our lives, but they have led to a decrease in face-to-face interactions and personal exchanges.

  • The speaker shares a personal experience of using various social media apps to communicate with a friend, only to realize that their conversations lacked substance. The friend eventually ghosted them, highlighting the negative impact of social media on relationships.

  • Social media creates a culture of fear and insecurity, as individuals feel pressured to present a curated version of themselves and conform to societal expectations.

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