The Art of Being a Teenager | Bella Zhao | TEDxKeystoneAcademyBJ | Summary and Q&A

September 25, 2023
TEDx Talks
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The Art of Being a Teenager | Bella Zhao | TEDxKeystoneAcademyBJ

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In this video, the speaker talks about the art of being a teenager and how it is often misunderstood and undervalued. She explains that despite the challenges and expectations placed on teenagers to be mature, it is important to embrace this stage of life and not lose sight of our perspective and identity. Being a teenager is a time of exploration, discovery, and passion, and it is also a time when teenagers have the potential to create change and impact the world. The speaker encourages teenagers to speak their minds, follow their passions, and not be afraid to be young and naive.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the art of being a teenager?

The art of being a teenager is about embracing the messy, confusing, and oftentimes misunderstood stage of life. It is about not losing sight of our perspective and identity, and not succumbing to the pressure to be mature. Instead, it is a time of exploration, discovery, and passion.

Q: Why is being a teenager often challenging?

Being a teenager is challenging because we are expected to be mature and deal with various societal problems, anxieties, hormone changes, and relationship issues. We are expected to handle all of these problems in a rational way, which can be overwhelming and confusing.

Q: Why is it important to embrace being young and naive as a teenager?

Embracing being young and naive as a teenager allows us to fully experience and appreciate this stage of life. It allows us to explore our interests, develop our personalities, and discover our passions. It also gives us the courage and motivation to create change and challenge societal norms.

Q: How does being a teenager impact the world?

As teenagers, we have the potential to create change and make a difference in the world. We have a strong sense of moral responsibility and we believe that we are capable of tackling global challenges and fighting against injustice. We have the courage to speak out and do what we find most purposeful.

Q: How do parents and teachers support teenagers in their endeavors?

Parents and teachers are the supporters and backbone of teenagers. They provide us with the support and guidance we need to pursue our passions and fulfill our destinies. They may not always understand or agree with our actions, but their support allows us to explore, grow, and do things that we may not have the courage to do as adults.

Q: What is the speaker's perspective on looking back at their teenage years?

The speaker acknowledges that looking back at their teenage years may bring feelings of embarrassment and cringe, but they do not regret their passion and endeavors. They recognize that all of these experiences and actions are a part of the art of being a teenager.

Q: How does being a teenager differ from being an adult?

Being a teenager is a time of courage, curiosity, impulse, and intrinsic motivation. It is a time when we have the freedom to speak our minds and do what we find most purposeful. As adults, we may lose some of that courage and drive, which is why it is important to fully embrace being a teenager.

Q: What are some takeaways from the speaker's talk?

  • Being a teenager is a valuable and transformative stage in life that should be embraced rather than rushed through.
  • Teenagers have the potential to create change and impact the world.
  • It is important to speak our minds, follow our passions, and not be afraid to be young and naive.
  • Parents and teachers play a crucial role in supporting teenagers in their endeavors.
  • Looking back at our teenage years may bring feelings of embarrassment, but we should not regret the passion and endeavors we pursued.


The art of being a teenager is often misunderstood and undervalued. It is a stage of life filled with exploration, discovery, and passion. Despite the challenges and expectations placed on teenagers to be mature, it is important to embrace this stage and not lose sight of our perspective and identity. Being a teenager is a time when we have the potential to create change and impact the world. We should speak our minds, follow our passions, and not be afraid to be young and naive. The support of parents and teachers is crucial in helping us navigate this stage of life. Looking back, we may feel some embarrassment, but we should not regret the passion and endeavors we pursued as teenagers. Embracing the art of being a teenager can make this stage of life one of the best and most transformative times in our lives.

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