The 5-Minute Fix to Your Stock Portfolio | Summary and Q&A

September 24, 2021
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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The 5-Minute Fix to Your Stock Portfolio


Diversification is key to lowering risk and maximizing returns in your portfolio by properly allocating assets and spreading investments across different sectors.

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Key Insights

  • 🪜 Adding more stocks without proper selection and allocation can limit returns and increase risk in a portfolio.
  • #️⃣ Diversification should involve not only a reasonable number of individual stocks but also spreading investments across different sectors.
  • 🏛️ Asset class diversification, including stocks, bonds, real estate, etc., is crucial for reducing the impact of major stock market downturns.
  • 🤕 Following a rule of thumb like "110 minus your age" can help determine the allocation between riskier and safer investments based on individual circumstances.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Understanding the different sectors of the economy and their responsiveness to economic factors can further enhance portfolio diversification.
  • 👋 The goal is to have exposure to at least four or five sectors, picking the best stocks within each sector.
  • ❓ Using resources like SectorSpider can assist in identifying stocks in different sectors and their overall market representation.


hey bowtie nation joseph hogue here and we've talked about diversification here on let's talk money in the past it's an idea that can save your portfolio if most investors weren't doing it all wrong the problem is the fact is that most investors aren't diversifying their portfolio by adding more stocks they're just making it worse they're diversify... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is simply adding more stocks to a portfolio not an effective diversification strategy?

Adding more stocks can limit returns because even if one stock doubles in value, it would only contribute a small percentage to the overall return. It is difficult to consistently pick 50 great companies, and having too many stocks dilutes the potential for standout performers.

Q: How can having all stocks within one sector be problematic?

If all stocks are concentrated in one sector, they are susceptible to crashing together during a sector-wide downturn. This undermines the perceived diversification, as all stocks within that sector will be negatively affected.

Q: What is the recommended number of stocks for proper diversification?

Aim for 15 to 20 individual stocks in your portfolio, along with a few funds to further spread risk. This allows for focused selection of the best companies while maintaining adequate diversification.

Q: How can asset classes contribute to portfolio diversification?

Diversifying across asset classes like stocks, bonds, real estate, and cryptocurrencies helps protect against major stock market crashes. The allocation depends on factors such as age, risk tolerance, and return requirements.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Many investors mistakenly believe that adding more stocks to their portfolio automatically diversifies it, but this approach can actually limit returns and increase risk.

  • True diversification involves having a reasonable number of individual stocks in your portfolio, ideally between 15 to 20, and investing in a few funds to spread risk.

  • Another common mistake is having all stocks concentrated in one sector, which leaves the portfolio vulnerable to crashes within that sector. It is important to allocate stocks across different sectors to protect against such events.

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