10 Buy and Hold Stocks I Wish Were Cheaper | Summary and Q&A

January 10, 2021
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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10 Buy and Hold Stocks I Wish Were Cheaper


In this live stream, the speaker discusses ten stocks that reflect universal forces shaping the market over the next decade or two and offers strategies for investing in them.

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Key Insights

  • 💦 The market is driven by universal forces such as digitization, e-commerce, cybersecurity, and remote work.
  • 🍉 Lesser-known stocks within these themes can provide long-term investment opportunities.
  • ✋ Valuations for these stocks might be high, but investors should focus on the potential for growth rather than traditional value metrics.
  • 🧘 Market corrections can provide buying opportunities, and investors can also benefit from investing regularly and gradually building positions.


hey bow tie nation joseph hulk here with you on another uh live sunday live stream love the doing these just the kind of face to face feel that we don't get in our regular videos so thank you for joining me we're here every sunday 2 p.m eastern 10 a.m pacific time or wherever you're at in the world there in the bowtie nation grab your favorite adul... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why did the speaker not include popular stocks like Tesla and Bitcoin in his list?

The speaker focused on lesser-known stocks that represent universal forces shaping the market rather than popular stocks that are already being closely watched.

Q: Are the mentioned stocks undervalued or overvalued?

The speaker acknowledges that most of the mentioned stocks have high price-to-sales ratios, but he believes their potential for growth and their positions within future trends make them valuable investments.

Q: How often can one expect market corrections?

Historically, there has been a correction of at least 10% in the market every two to three years. Therefore, investors should be prepared for such corrections and use them as opportunities to invest in stocks at potentially lower prices.

Q: What are the advantages of buying fractional shares and investing each month?

By buying fractional shares, investors can invest any amount of money into expensive stocks like Amazon and benefit from dollar-cost averaging. This strategy allows them to buy at highs and lows, ultimately benefiting from the long-term growth potential.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker introduces 4 themes that will drive the market in the future: digitization and 5G, e-commerce, cybersecurity, and remote work.

  • He recommends stocks like Salesforce, AMD, Nvidia, Qualcomm, Teledoc, Amazon, CrowdStrike, Zscaler, Salesforce, and Zoom as potential long-term investments in these themes.

  • The speaker suggests two strategies: waiting for a market correction to buy more shares or investing in small amounts each month to benefit from market highs and lows.

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