Tesla Solar Roof Review: Was it Worth It? | Summary and Q&A

January 20, 1970
Marques Brownlee
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Tesla Solar Roof Review: Was it Worth It?


Marquez Brownlee shares his experience and insights after using solar panels and battery storage for one year, highlighting the cost savings, performance, and potential benefits of sustainable energy.

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Key Insights

  • 🎱 Solar panels and battery storage systems can provide significant cost savings by reducing or eliminating electricity bills.
  • 🧑‍🏭 The performance of a solar system is influenced by factors such as the location, season, and weather conditions.
  • 👻 Net metering allows excess solar energy to be credited back to the grid, offsetting the energy consumed during periods of low solar generation.
  • ❓ The integration of EV charging with solar systems may further enhance energy independence and resilience.
  • ☠️ The payback period for a solar system is influenced by the initial cost, electricity usage, local incentives, and fluctuations in electricity rates.
  • ❓ Solar technology is continuously evolving, and advancements such as solar tiles offer aesthetic appeal and seamless integration with the roof.
  • ✊ Solar systems can provide peace of mind during power outages, offering backup power and reducing reliance on the electrical grid.


hi my name is Marquez Brownlee and I have not paid for electricity in a year I have a bunch of electrical appliances computers game console TVs air conditioning and I drive an electric car to and from work every single day and charge it home zero dollar bill so I know I had a lot of questions about how this stuff worked how much it cost how much it... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does a solar system with battery storage work?

A solar system with battery storage allows for the direct use of solar-generated electricity during the day, while excess energy is stored in batteries for use during the night or when the sun is not shining. It provides a backup power source and reduces reliance on the electrical grid.

Q: How long does it take for a solar system to pay for itself?

The payback period for a solar system depends on factors such as the cost of installation, electricity usage, and incentives. On average, the payback period ranges from 6 to 10 years, with the system potentially paying for itself and generating savings over its lifespan.

Q: Can solar panels work in snowy or cloudy conditions?

Solar panels can still generate electricity in snowy or cloudy conditions, although their efficiency may be reduced. Light passing through clouds can still be converted into electricity, and snow can slide off solar panels due to their slight warmth. However, heavy snow cover may temporarily hinder solar energy production.

Q: Can electric vehicles (EVs) contribute to home energy storage?

While not all EVs currently support bidirectional charging, which allows energy to flow from the car battery back to the home, it is a feature that may become more prevalent in the future. This capability would enable EVs to serve as backup batteries for homes, increasing their energy independence.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Marquez Brownlee installed solar panels and batteries on his home, aiming to power all his electrical needs and charge his electric car using sustainable energy from the sun.

  • The solar system, combined with battery storage, allows for direct use of solar-generated electricity during the day and provides backup power during the night or power outages.

  • The system performed well during the summer and fall, generating excess energy and resulting in a zero dollar electricity bill. However, winter months and cloudy days posed challenges, requiring some reliance on the electrical grid.

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