When Tech Companies Lie to Us... | Summary and Q&A

January 13, 2022
Marques Brownlee
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When Tech Companies Lie to Us...


Tech companies often deceive consumers through misleading statements, delayed product releases, and the use of outdated terminology.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Delayed product releases can lead to consumer frustration and disappointment.
  • 😨 Misleading measurements, such as "rollout subtracted" 0-60 mph times, can create a false impression of a car's performance.
  • 🇲🇬 Torque measurements in electric cars differ from those in gas cars, affecting the comparisons between the two.
  • 🧑‍💻 Vaporware is a common occurrence in the tech industry, with companies announcing products that never materialize.
  • 😕 Outdated terminology, like the use of "one inch sensor" in cameras, can be misleading and confuse consumers.
  • 😌 Harmless lies, such as transparent backed phones, may not have significant consequences, but deliberate deception can harm consumer trust.
  • 🧑‍💻 Transparency and informed decision-making are crucial for consumers to navigate the deceptive practices of tech companies.


hey what's up mkbhd here you know tech companies straight up lie to us sometimes right like there's now there's different types of lies and there's definitely different levels to this honestly most of it is harmless but it is fascinating and i think you might be surprised by how much stuff we might take for granted that's not actually real so i and... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why has the release of the Tesla Roadster been delayed multiple times?

The Tesla Roadster's release has been delayed due to various factors, including technological challenges, manufacturing issues, and unexpected setbacks in the development process.

Q: What is "rollout subtracted" and how does it affect a car's 0-60 mph time?

"Rollout subtracted" is a metric used in drag racing that subtracts the time taken for a car to move one foot after breaking the starting line from its reported 0-60 mph time. This can reduce the reported time by 0.2 to 0.3 seconds.

Q: How do torque measurements differ between electric and gas cars?

Electric cars, like Tesla's Roadster, have higher torque figures due to their direct-drive systems and the lack of gearing. In gas cars, torque is measured at the crankshaft and tends to be lower due to losses in the drivetrain.

Q: What is vaporware in the tech industry?

Vaporware refers to products that are announced but never actually released to the market. These products may be concepts or still in the design or development phase.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Tech companies, like Tesla, often delay product releases, such as the Tesla Roadster, causing frustration among consumers.

  • Tesla's claim of the Roadster being the fastest car with 0-60 mph in 1.9 seconds is misleading due to the use of "rollout subtracted" measurements.

  • Torque measurements in electric cars, like Tesla's Roadster, are different from those in traditional gas cars, leading to exaggerated claims.

  • Vaporware, announced products that never materialize, is a common deception in the tech industry.

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