Supreme Court Shenanigans !!! | Summary and Q&A

September 30, 2020
CGP Grey
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Supreme Court Shenanigans !!!


The Supreme Court nomination and confirmation process in the United States involves political influence, Senate approval, and potential shenanigans.

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Key Insights

  • 👮 The Supreme Court is uniquely powerful, responsible for interpreting laws and upholding the Constitution.
  • 💄 The President's nominee for the Supreme Court must undergo Senate approval, making the appointment process politically charged.
  • 😊 Procedural tactics, such as pro-forma sessions and the nuclear option, shape the balance of power in the confirmation process.


In the United States, the Supreme Court is the highest court, given the final say on what laws really mean, and if they're cool with the Constitution. Well, this power was not given given, but taken. Back in the day, the Supreme Court ruled it is the duty of the court to say what the Law is. And everyone went with it. You might think the Law would ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What role does the Supreme Court play in the US legal system?

The Supreme Court serves as the highest court in the United States, with the power to interpret laws and ensure their constitutionality.

Q: Who selects a nominee for the Supreme Court?

The President of the United States has the authority to select a nominee for the Supreme Court.

Q: What is the role of the Senate in the Supreme Court appointment process?

The Senate must approve the President's nominee through a confirmation vote.

Q: Why are recess appointments controversial?

Recess appointments, which allow for temporary appointments without Senate approval, are controversial as they bypass the confirmation process.

Q: How do pro-forma sessions impact Supreme Court appointments?

Pro-forma sessions, in which the Senate technically remains in session but conducts minimal business, prevent the President from making recess appointments.

Q: What is the nuclear option in the Supreme Court appointment process?

The nuclear option refers to lowering the required majority vote for confirmation to ensure the President's nominee is approved.

Q: Can Supreme Court justices be impeached and removed from office?

While possible, impeachment and removal of Supreme Court justices have been rare and are seen as politically disadvantageous.

Q: What is the potential impact of packing the Supreme Court?

Attempts to increase the number of Supreme Court justices, known as court-packing, can significantly alter the Court's composition and influence.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Supreme Court holds the final say on interpreting laws in the United States, making its appointments crucial for decades of legal influence.

  • A Supreme Court justice is appointed by the President, but their nomination must be approved by the Senate.

  • The Senate uses pro-forma sessions and the elimination of the two-thirds majority requirement for confirmation as political maneuvers to control appointments.

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