Stretch More, Move Further | Harsimar Kaur Chhatwal | TEDxRWA Youth | Summary and Q&A

September 29, 2023
TEDx Talks
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Stretch More, Move Further | Harsimar Kaur Chhatwal | TEDxRWA Youth


A girl overcomes criticism and wins a competition by embracing discomfort and stretching herself, highlighting the importance of stretching for success.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Overcoming discomfort and stretching oneself can lead to unexpected success.
  • 😀 Embracing stretching allows individuals to face challenges that once seemed impossible.
  • 🤳 Self-imposed limits can hinder progress and success.
  • ▶️ Stretching is necessary for personal growth and moving forward.
  • 🔇 The speaker encourages the audience to continue stretching themselves and striving for further progress.
  • 🫷 Success often requires pushing beyond comfort zones.
  • 🥺 Stretching leads to personal growth and development.


Transcriber: Beatriz Zanellato Reviewer: Arwa Mohamed Dread, horror, embarrassment were just a few of the emotions that were being felt that night. Yet, excitement, enthusiasm, joy were also being felt that night. The room was filled with students dressed up in all sorts of different costumes. They were princes and princesses and butterfly costumes... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the girl in the story overcome her discomfort and win the competition?

The girl chose to ignore the negative comments and stretched herself by giving her all on stage, ultimately winning the competition and gaining confidence in her abilities.

Q: What is the speaker's message about stretching for success?

The speaker emphasizes that stretching beyond comfort zones is necessary for achieving success. By letting go of self-imposed limits and embracing discomfort, individuals can move much further in their journey.

Q: How does the speaker compare stretching to a catapult?

The speaker compares stretching to a catapult, where stretching the string allows the stone to move forward. Similarly, stretching oneself leads to progress and moving further towards success.

Q: What lesson does the speaker want the audience to learn from the story?

The speaker wants the audience to understand that embracing stretching and moving beyond comfort zones is crucial for growth and achieving success. By stretching more, individuals can move further in their endeavors.


The story recounts the experience of a girl who initially hated her costume for a storytelling competition but decided to stay and present her story anyway. Despite facing criticism and judgment, she stretched herself and gave her all on stage, ultimately winning the competition. The story emphasizes the importance of stretching oneself in order to achieve success and move forward in life.

Questions & Answers

Q: What emotions were felt by the students at the storytelling competition?

Dread, horror, embarrassment, excitement, enthusiasm, and joy were all emotions felt by the students at the competition. The room was filled with students dressed in various costumes, expressing their love and adoration for their characters.

Q: Why did the girl hate her costume?

The girl hated her costume because she perceived it as ugly and believed she looked nothing like the princesses and popular characters the other students were dressed as. She had heard whispers and comments about her costume, which made her feel insecure and undesirable.

Q: What was the girl's character and story for the competition?

The girl was dressed as a poor old widow who had her life savings stolen. Her story revolved around her pleading to the king to retrieve her savings because she believed her life was incomplete without them.

Q: How did the girl handle the criticism from others?

The girl tried her best to ignore the negative comments and whispers about her costume. She chose to focus on the fact that her story was more impactful and meaningful compared to the joyful tales presented by others. She pushed herself to stretch further and give her all on stage.

Q: What did the girl gain after stretching herself on stage?

By stretching herself and overcoming her fears, the girl gained courage. When the winner was announced, she was the one whose name resonated through the air. Winning the competition was not just about the trophy but the realization that stretching oneself can lead to personal growth and success.

Q: How did the girl's life change after winning the competition?

The girl, now 16 years old, is studying in Raffles World Academy and is giving a TED Talk on stretching and moving further. Winning the competition gave her the confidence and belief that stretching oneself is necessary to achieve success. It transformed her perspective on challenges and limitations.

Q: What does the speaker state about achieving success?

The speaker asserts that in order to achieve success, one needs to stretch themselves. Although success may seem impossible at times, it is crucial to understand that limiting oneself is the biggest unseen danger. By stretching ourselves, we can accomplish what initially appeared impossible.

Q: What analogy does the speaker use to illustrate the concept of stretching?

The speaker uses the analogy of a catapult to illustrate the concept of stretching. Just like stretching the string of a catapult propels the stone forward, stretching ourselves allows us to move further in life. The more we stretch, the further we can go.

Q: What are some common feelings when stretching ourselves?

When stretching ourselves, we may experience tension, discomfort, and a desire to retreat to our comfort zone. These feelings arise because we are pushing ourselves beyond the limits we have set for ourselves. However, realizing that we do not have any limits for success allows us to move further and face challenges that once seemed impossible.

Q: What does the speaker encourage the audience to embrace?

The speaker encourages the audience to embrace the stretch, including the pain, discomfort, and even tears that come with it. By embracing these experiences and stretching ourselves, we can accomplish more than we thought possible and find immense happiness in how far we have come.


The story highlights the importance of stretching ourselves in order to achieve success and move forward in life. It emphasizes that success may initially seem impossible, but we can accomplish it if we let go of limiting mindsets. The analogy of a catapult illustrates how stretching propels us further, and embracing the discomfort and challenges that come with stretching leads to personal growth and fulfillment. The speaker encourages the audience to keep stretching and moving forward, as growth comes from continually pushing beyond our perceived limits.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • A girl, initially disliked her costume, but chose to stretch herself by presenting a unique and impactful story in a competition.

  • Despite facing criticism, she gave her all on stage and won the competition, realizing that stretching herself led to success.

  • The speaker emphasizes that stretching is necessary to achieve success, pointing out that even seemingly impossible tasks can be accomplished with stretching.

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