Stephen Wolfram: Computational Universe | MIT 6.S099: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) | Summary and Q&A

March 2, 2018
Lex Fridman
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Stephen Wolfram: Computational Universe | MIT 6.S099: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)


Stephen Wolfram discusses the potential of artificial general intelligence and how Wolfram Language can bridge the gap between human thinking and computation.

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Key Insights

  • ⚾ Wolfram Alpha's success in natural language understanding stems from its extensive knowledge base and access to various data sources.
  • 🤔 The Wolfram Language provides a way to bridge the gap between human thinking and computational capabilities.
  • 🥺 The computational universe contains a vast range of possible programs, and mining this space can lead to valuable and sophisticated computations.
  • 🎭 Computational irreducibility suggests that humans cannot easily outrun or predict the computations performed by sophisticated systems.


welcome back to success $0.99 artificial general intelligence today we have Stephen Wolfram Wow that's the first I didn't even get started you're already clapping in his book a new kind of science he has explored and revealed the power beauty and complexity of cellular automata as simple computational systems for which incredible complexity can eme... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Wolfram Alpha achieve the ability to answer useful natural language questions?

Wolfram Alpha's success in natural language understanding is a result of its vast knowledge base and access to various data sources. Understanding natural language is possible by having a deep understanding of the world and leveraging computational rules.

Q: How does Wolfram Alpha use data and models to provide answers?

Wolfram Alpha combines data from various sources, such as radar tracking for satellite positions and celestial mechanics for predicting future positions. It also relies on models and computations to make predictions and generate plots or visual outputs.

Q: How does Wolfram Language differ from traditional AI systems that reason based on human-like thinking?

Wolfram Language takes advantage of known mathematical and computational methods rather than relying solely on human reasoning. By solving equations of motion and leveraging exact science, it can provide accurate and efficient computations.

Q: How did the idea of building Wolfram Alpha come about?

Wolfram Alpha's development started with Stephen Wolfram's interest in artificial intelligence and neural networks. He realized that building a brain-like system wasn't necessary and that pure computation can be sufficient. The goal was to automate the process of answering questions based on a vast knowledge base.


In this video, Stephen Wolfram discusses how artificial general intelligence (AGI) can be achieved. He explains how the Wolfram Alpha knowledge engine uses natural language understanding and access to large data sources to answer questions. Wolfram also describes the computational universe of possible programs and the concept of computational irreducibility. He demonstrates examples of cellular automata and axiom systems that showcase the power and complexity of computation.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Wolfram Alpha achieve the ability to answer useful questions?

To achieve the ability to answer useful questions, Wolfram Alpha needed to have a deep understanding of the world and access to a large amount of data. This necessary knowledge about various domains allows the system to accurately interpret natural language queries and provide meaningful answers. Additionally, the system leverages computational methods to process data and compute relevant results.

Q: How does Wolfram Alpha handle natural language understanding?

The critical aspect of natural language understanding in Wolfram Alpha is knowing a vast amount of information about the world. While the system does use clever techniques in natural language processing, the most important factor is having extensive knowledge about different domains. This knowledge enables Wolfram Alpha to understand natural language in practical situations and offer meaningful responses.

Q: How does Wolfram Alpha handle complex computations and predictions?

Wolfram Alpha combines data about the world with computational models to handle complex computations and predictions. For example, when determining the current location of the International Space Station (ISS), the system uses real-time radar tracking data and applies celestial mechanics to calculate the precise position. Similarly, for predictions like the visibility of the ISS, Wolfram Alpha combines data about orbital elements with computational models to provide accurate information.

Q: How does Wolfram Alpha differ from previous AI systems?

Wolfram Alpha differs from previous AI systems in its approach to compute and solve problems. Rather than relying solely on reasoning-based methods, which mimic human thinking processes, Wolfram Alpha employs more practical techniques based on computable algorithms and exact sciences. This reliance on computation, mathematical equations, and data-driven approaches allows the system to provide accurate and useful answers to a wide range of queries.

Q: How did the idea for Wolfram Alpha originate?

The idea for Wolfram Alpha emerged from the desire to create an automated system capable of answering questions based on systematic knowledge. Stephen Wolfram's initial interest in AI and neural networks led him to explore the idea of using neural nets to build such a system. However, he eventually realized that computation and integration of vast knowledge from different domains were crucial for achieving the goal of Wolfram Alpha.

Q: What was the process of building Wolfram Alpha?

Building Wolfram Alpha involved several steps, ranging from analyzing existing reference libraries with vast amounts of knowledge to developing domain-specific frameworks. Rather than starting with a global ontology, the team worked up from individual domains, finding common themes and creating frameworks that could be combined to construct the entire system. This approach allowed for a coherent design and effective utilization of computational resources.

Q: How does Wolfram Language contribute to the functionality of Wolfram Alpha?

Wolfram Language is a critical component of Wolfram Alpha as it forms the core of the system. With about 15 million lines of Wolfram Language code, Wolfram Alpha utilizes the powerful capabilities and functionalities of this language. Wolfram Language's symbolic representation of data, ability to manipulate images and perform computations, and integration with various domains contribute to the overall functionality and computational power of Wolfram Alpha.

Q: What can be learned from exploring the computational universe of possible programs?

Exploring the computational universe of possible programs helps uncover the vast potential and richness of computation. As seen with cellular automata and axiom systems, even simple programs can exhibit complex behavior and produce intricate patterns. This understanding allows for efficient use of computation in various technological domains, including the discovery of optimal algorithms and the creation of efficient programs that go beyond traditional human engineering approaches.

Q: What is computational irreducibility and its implications?

Computational irreducibility is the idea that in complex systems, the behavior cannot be easily reduced or predicted without directly running the computation. This phenomenon is a consequence of the principle of computational equivalence, which states that as soon as a system's behavior becomes difficult to analyze, the computational process involved is likely as sophisticated as it can be. Computational irreducibility impacts our ability to fully understand and predict the outcomes of complex computations, emphasizing the necessity of comprehensive computation mining and search techniques.


Wolfram Alpha's ability to answer useful questions relies on extensive knowledge about the world and access to large data sources. The system's natural language understanding is based on understanding a vast amount of information and leveraging computational methods. The exploration of the computational universe of possible programs reveals that even simple programs can exhibit complex behavior. This understanding enables efficient use of computation in various domains. Computational irreducibility highlights the importance of mining the computational universe and the limitations of fully understanding complex computations.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Stephen Wolfram discusses his inspiration from cellular automata and his efforts to achieve artificial general intelligence.

  • Wolfram Alpha's ability to understand natural language is rooted in its vast knowledge base and access to data sources.

  • The Wolfram Language provides a symbolic representation of neural networks and allows for complex computations and data manipulation.

  • The computational universe contains a wide range of possible programs, including those with rich and complex behavior.

  • The challenge lies in bridging the gap between human thinking and computation, which Wolfram Language aims to accomplish.

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