Step-by-Step Social Media Marketing Plan to Increase Your Website Traffic | Make Money Online | Summary and Q&A

March 6, 2019
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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Step-by-Step Social Media Marketing Plan to Increase Your Website Traffic | Make Money Online


Learn how to develop a social media strategy for various platforms, including Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube, to increase website traffic and create a thriving online community.

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Key Insights

  • 🤩 To optimize social media for website traffic, focus on a few key platforms rather than spreading your time across many.
  • 💬 Engage with your community on social media, respond to comments and questions, and share valuable content from other bloggers.
  • 🔉 Utilize social media management tools like Hootsuite and schedulers like Tailwind to streamline your social media strategy.
  • 🏣 Develop a content mix that includes promoting blog posts, curating content, and sharing monetized content.
  • 🏣 Be consistent in your social media efforts, posting regularly and engaging with your audience.
  • 👨‍💼 Treat social media as a business and incorporate social strategies into your overall content strategy.
  • 🚥 Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube each require tailored approaches to effectively drive website traffic.


Social media can be a third or more of your website traffic or it can be a complete failure. In this video, I’ll show you a social media plan for each of the major platforms as well as an overall social media strategy for your blog. I’ll also reveal three social media secrets that will make sure you get the most clicks for your time. We’re talking ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I optimize Facebook to drive website traffic?

Post your blog content with a landscape graphic and engage with your community through comments and questions. Join related groups and become a valuable member by answering questions and sharing relevant blog posts.

Q: What makes Pinterest an effective platform for driving traffic?

Pinterest is a search-based platform, allowing your pins to generate traffic over time. Share your blog posts with pinnable images to relevant boards and utilize schedulers like Tailwind for consistent sharing.

Q: How can I effectively use Twitter to increase website traffic?

Share multiple tweets with different text and graphics on the day you publish your post, and engage with the platform daily. Utilize social media management tools like Hootsuite to schedule frequent tweets and maximize reach.

Q: How can YouTube contribute to website traffic and overall success?

Create summary videos for your blog posts and publish them on YouTube simultaneously. Embed your videos on your blog to enhance traffic and engagement. Additionally, prioritize growing your YouTube channel as a valuable asset.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Social media can either be a significant source of website traffic or a complete failure.

  • By treating social media as a business and focusing on a few key platforms, you can maximize engagement and click-through rates.

  • Platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube each require specific strategies to drive traffic and build a community.

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