Spiritual Envy | Michael Krasny | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

February 1, 2011
Talks at Google
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Spiritual Envy | Michael Krasny | Talks at Google


Dr. Michael Krasny explores his own journey of questioning beliefs and searching for answers to life's biggest questions in his book "Spiritual Envy: An Agnostic's Quest."

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Key Insights

  • 🖐️ Religion plays a significant role in providing community, tradition, and meaning for many individuals.
  • 🥶 There is a divide between younger generations that are more eclectic in their beliefs and older, more traditional religious practices.
  • ❓ Dr. Krasny has explored various spiritual practices but has not embraced any particular belief system.
  • 🤗 Strong dogmatism exists in both religious and skeptical communities, hindering open discussions and understanding.


presenter: Hello, everyone and welcome to another AuthorsGoogle event in the San Francisco office. Today, we are extremely pleased to have Dr. Michael Krasny. Dr. Krasny has actually been to Google before in both the Mountain View and San Francisco offices to talk about his first book, "Off Mike". And he is, as everybody in this room knows, and p... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Dr. Krasny navigate discussions about paranormal activity and religion?

Dr. Krasny acknowledges that strong believers in religion and skeptics of the paranormal can both be dogmatic. He believes in having respectful conversations but highlights the importance of avoiding rigid beliefs.

Q: Have Dr. Krasny explored other spiritual practices?

Yes, Dr. Krasny has studied various religions and even tried practices like meditation and yoga. While he appreciates the meaning they can bring to people's lives, he hasn't embraced any specific religious or spiritual tradition.

Q: Can an Agnostic church exist?

Yes, there are places of worship and communities for Agnostics, such as Unitarian churches. These provide a sense of community and tradition without requiring a specific belief in a deity.

Q: How does Dr. Krasny address the presence of religion in scientific theories like string theory?

Dr. Krasny acknowledges that some scientific theories, like string theory, may require a leap of faith. However, he remains skeptical and emphasizes the need for empirical evidence.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Dr. Krasny, host of the award-winning Forum program, discusses his latest book "Spiritual Envy: An Agnostic's Quest" during an AuthorsGoogle event.

  • The book explores Dr. Krasny's journey of questioning his beliefs and searching for answers to life's biggest questions.

  • Dr. Krasny delves into topics such as the nature of God, good and evil, and the purpose of existence.

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