Someone Dead Ruined My Life… Again. | Summary and Q&A

September 9, 2021
CGP Grey
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Someone Dead Ruined My Life… Again.


Grey takes viewers on a arduous and frustrating journey to track down the primary source of a medieval poem mentioning the name Tiffany.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 The journey to uncover historical facts can be frustrating and time-consuming, sometimes leading to dead ends.
  • 💦 Historians and editors from the past may have made mistakes or added misleading information to their works, making accurate research challenging.
  • 🤝 Primary sources and the context they provide are crucial for uncovering the truth, especially when dealing with historical figures and events.
  • 👨‍🔬 Personal interests and passions can drive individuals to embark on lengthy and exhaustive research projects, even when the outcome is uncertain.
  • 🫵 Collaboration and support from viewers and fans can provide motivation and a sense of community during long and challenging projects.
  • 😨 The importance of self-care and personal stability before supporting others financially.


Tada! It's a video about Tiffany! I hope you like it. Psst. Hey, hey. Would you like to know more? Okay great. So listen, I need to tell you about this poem. Come with me behind the scenes where I've been working on this for... I don't even know how long. Take a seat. Get comfortable. It all began with these articles I read saying the name Tiffa... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why did Grey become interested in the name Tiffany and its medieval origins?

Grey initially read articles stating Tiffany was an old, possibly medieval name, sparking his curiosity and leading him on a quest to uncover its historical roots.

Q: What obstacles did Grey face while trying to trace the origins of the Brittany Tiffany poem?

Grey encountered difficulties such as misleading sources, missing dates and authors, and the challenge of researching in old libraries with limited information organization systems.

Q: What role did the editor, Thomas Hearne, play in Grey's investigation?

Hearne, who worked at the Bodleian Library in the 18th century, edited the Scotichronicon and added the Brittany Tiffany poem as a footnote. His edition, however, has been deemed unreliable and non-canonical.

Q: Did Grey find any concrete evidence linking the name Tiffany to medieval times?

No, despite extensive research, Grey concludes that the poem and references to Tiffany were likely added by Hearne and do not provide evidence of the name's medieval origins.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Grey delves into the origins of the name Tiffany, which he thought was medieval, but discovers it may have been a later adaptation of the name Theophania.

  • He explores a poem that is often referenced as evidence of the name Tiffany's medieval existence, but struggles to find its date and author.

  • Grey traces the poem's path through various sources, including a book by Nelson Otis Tiffany and an edition of the Scotichronicon, ultimately realizing the editor added the poem as a footnote.

  • He attempts to find the primary source of the poem, leading him on a wild goose chase through libraries and antiquarian records.

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