Skycorp and the ISEE-3 Reboot Project | Dennis Wingo | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

October 28, 2014
Talks at Google
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Skycorp and the ISEE-3 Reboot Project | Dennis Wingo | Talks at Google


Dennis Wingo and his team have successfully revived the ISEE-3 spacecraft, which was thought to be impossible due to lack of documentation and outdated technology.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ€” Dennis Wingo and his team successfully revived the ISEE-3 spacecraft, which was thought to be impossible due to lack of documentation and outdated technology.
  • πŸ˜€ The project faced challenges such as finding a transmitter and communication network, but collaboration with NASA and other experts helped overcome these obstacles.
  • πŸ™Œ The revived spacecraft has been used for scientific experiments on magnetometers and gamma ray bursts, with plans for future calibration of other instruments.
  • ✊ The project highlights the power of collective consciousness and the importance of preserving engineering documentation for future generations.


MALE SPEAKER: I'm really, really happy and excited to let everybody know that we have Dennis Wingo here speaking today. Dennis is the CEO of Skycorp Incorporated, and he spent the last year, over a year, on this ISEE-3 Reboot Project, which I'm sure you guys are on the website and seeing the news up until-- I think they had a post about it this mor... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Dennis Wingo and his team decide to revive the ISEE-3 spacecraft?

Dennis Wingo and his team decided to revive the spacecraft after reading a blog post about its trajectory, which sparked their interest.

Q: What were some challenges they faced during the project?

They faced challenges such as finding a transmitter and communication network, as well as limited documentation and outdated technology.

Q: What scientific experiments have they conducted with the revived spacecraft?

They have conducted experiments on magnetometers and gamma ray bursts, and plan to calibrate other scientific instruments in the future.

Q: What are their future plans for the spacecraft?

They plan to put the spacecraft back into a stable Earth orbit and continue conducting scientific experiments, as well as provide data to the public.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The ISEE-3 spacecraft, launched in 1978, was thought to be impossible to revive due to outdated technology and lack of documentation.

  • Dennis Wingo and his team decided to revive the spacecraft after reading a blog post about its trajectory.

  • They faced challenges such as finding a transmitter and communication network, but were able to revive the spacecraft and conduct scientific experiments.

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