Simple Things You Can Do to Become a Better Listener | Carolyn Coughlin | Knowledge Project Podcast | Summary and Q&A

January 24, 2023
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Simple Things You Can Do to Become a Better Listener | Carolyn Coughlin | Knowledge Project Podcast


Adult development theory provides a map to understand how our sense-making changes as we grow, and improving listening skills is essential for deep connections and growth.

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Key Insights

  • 💗 Adult development theory provides a framework to understand how our sense-making evolves as we grow.
  • 💠 Language shapes our meaning-making and identity, influencing our behavior and interactions with others.
  • 👂 Listening to win, listening to learn, and listening to fix are different approaches to listening that can impact our connections.
  • ❓ Creating the conditions for effective listening involves noticing patterns, reflecting on experiences, and being curious about others' perspectives.


listening tends to be contagious so how each of us listens does tend to wear off on other people so I've noticed again with my children that when I listen what we call I often call listening to win which is to just make them wrong or like when I say well that's not true you you look great or don't worry about that you you know you'll be fine they d... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is adult development theory, and why is it important?

Adult development theory provides a map to understand how our sense-making evolves as we navigate adulthood. It helps us understand how our meaning-making changes and gives us a reference point for personal and professional growth.

Q: How does sense-making relate to our perception of the world?

Sense-making is the process of interpreting the world and giving meaning to our observations. It is how we understand what we see and construct our own self-identity. As we grow, our sense-making evolves, and we become more separate from external events and can consider different perspectives.

Q: How can language shape our identity and meaning-making?

Language plays a crucial role in shaping our identity and how we make sense of the world. The words we use not only express our meaning-making but also influence our thoughts and actions. By consciously using language, we can construct new meanings and change our behavior.

Q: How can we create the conditions for better listening?

Creating conditions for effective listening includes developing the habit of deep listening and reflecting on the impact of our listening behavior on others. Asking questions, such as "What's not being said here?" or "Where do you feel it in your body?", can help us delve deeper into understanding and connecting with others.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Adult development theory describes how our sense-making evolves as we grow and mature into adulthood.

  • Sense-making involves interpreting the world around us and constructing meaning for ourselves.

  • Deep listening, where individuals feel truly seen and heard, leads to extraordinary experiences and enhances learning.

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