Rules for Winning the Game of Life | Adam Robinson | Knowledge Project Podcast 47 | Summary and Q&A

November 8, 2022
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Rules for Winning the Game of Life | Adam Robinson | Knowledge Project Podcast 47


"The Great Game is a book that offers a new perspective on life, suggesting that everything we do is a game and that by creating a win-win game, we can change the world for the better."

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Key Insights

  • 💨 Life can be seen as a series of games, and by changing the way we approach these games, we can create win-win outcomes.
  • 🌍 The current trend of win-lose competitions in various aspects of life, such as politics and economics, may lead to negative consequences for the world.
  • 🌐 Technology has contributed to a global loneliness epidemic by hijacking our attention and preventing genuine human connection.
  • 🌐 The author suggests that by focusing on creating a vision for others to join and embracing moments with a sense of magic, we can change the tone of the global conversation.
  • 🌍 The world is at a crucial point and individuals have the power to create positive change by shifting their mindset and approaching life as a game with win-win outcomes.
  • ❓ Fundamental analysis and technical analysis are common investment approaches, but the author suggests a different approach by focusing on anticipating the anticipation of others.
  • 😑 Trends in the market can be identified by looking for differences of opinion and strong expressions of those views.
  • 🖐️ The diffusion of innovation and the spread of ideas play a crucial role in the formation of trends.
  • 🤘 To identify trends, one must be aware of the different groups of traders in the market, such as stock traders, bond traders, currency traders, metal traders, and energy traders.


you invited me to the great game can you explain that ah well uh the great game is a book I wrote an invitation to the great game and uh so it's my first work of fiction it's not out yet so I gave you an advance galley and I'm thrilled to be offering it to the world soon what is the great game the great game is life and we play many games in Life t... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the concept of the "Great Game" in the book?

The author explains that the Great Game refers to life itself, where everything we do can be seen as a game, from careers to relationships, with the potential for win-win outcomes.

Q: How does the author suggest changing the current win-lose games?

The author believes that by creating a vision for others to join and offering a positive alternative game, we can change the current win-lose mentality. This can be done by focusing on connection, fun, and embracing each moment with a sense of magic or miracles.

Q: What were the three lessons the author learned in 2016?

The author learned the importance of connecting with others first and foremost, creating fun and delight in all situations, and leaning into each moment with the expectation of magic or miracles.

Q: How does technology contribute to the global loneliness epidemic?

The author explains that technology, designed to hijack our attention, has led to an epidemic of loneliness as it prevents genuine connection with others. The constant need for attention and the lack of control over technology result in a loss of real human interaction.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Great Game is a book written by the author that explores the idea that life is a series of games, such as those in careers, politics, and relationships.

  • The book offers a different perspective on these games, suggesting that they can be win-win games rather than win-lose competitions.

  • The author believes that the world is at a crucial point and that by changing the way we approach these games, we can create a better future.

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