July 24, 2015
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A compelling book with a fascinating world, but lacking in explanation and underdeveloped elements.

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Key Insights

  • 😫 The book is the first in the Grisha trilogy, set in the world of Raska, where people with supernatural abilities called Grisha exist.
  • 😀 Alena, the main character, embarks on a journey to unlock her hidden power while facing various struggles and obstacles.
  • 👾 The writing style of Leigh Bardugo is unique and compelling, and the book's pace is slower compared to other young adult novels.
  • 🔬 The plot is intriguing, with many exciting moments that kept the reader invested and eager to know what happens next.
  • 🌍 The world-building, however, is underdeveloped and lacks explanation, making it difficult to fully grasp and visualize the world of Raska.
  • 😮 The main character, Alena, did not impress the reader initially, but her character has potential for growth throughout the series.
  • 🇲🇱 Other characters, like Mal and Jigna, were liked by the reader for their development and contributions to the story.


hey guys today I'm gonna be sharing my thoughts opinions and feels on wah wah shadow and bone by Leigh bardugo this is the first book in the Grisha trilogy first we've got shadow and bone second we've got sage and storm and thirdly we've got ruin and rising this story takes place in a world called Raska and in this world there are people with these... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the author's writing style contribute to the overall reading experience?

Leigh Bardugo's rich and unique writing style keeps the story moving and the reader engaged. Despite the confusion with the world-building, her writing helps maintain interest in the book.

Q: Did the pace of the story meet the reader's expectations?

The pace of the book was slower compared to many young adult books, which the reader appreciated. The slower pace allowed for a more immersive reading experience and a deeper investment in the story.

Q: How were the characters portrayed in the book?

The main character, Alena, did not impress the reader initially, but due to the challenges and obstacles she faces, it is too early to judge her character fully. Mal, initially disliked, later proved to be a caring character. Jigna, the comic relief, was loved by the reader. The character of the Darkling was complex and left the reader with mixed feelings.

Q: How does the world-building in the book impact the overall reading experience?

The underdeveloped world of Raska was a major drawback. The lack of explanation and detailed description made the first 100 pages confusing. A more well-defined world would have enhanced the reader's understanding and enjoyment of the story.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The story takes place in a world called Raska, where there are people with strange abilities called Grisha. The main character, Alena, discovers her own hidden power.

  • The world of Raska was confusing and underdeveloped, making it difficult to fully understand and visualize.

  • The book had a unique writing style and a well-paced plot that kept the reader engaged.

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