Security Talk 3 with MyITTech: Tech support scams, Locker ransomware and more | Summary and Q&A

June 10, 2015
The PC Security Channel
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Security Talk 3 with MyITTech: Tech support scams, Locker ransomware and more


Scammers are now targeting Mac users with fake tech support scams, a ransomware author unexpectedly apologized and decrypted files for free, garage doors with weak security codes are vulnerable to hacking, and point-of-sale (POS) malware threatens credit card data.

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Key Insights

  • 👤 Mac users are now being targeted by fake tech support scams, highlighting the need for increased awareness and vigilance among Mac users.
  • 🤳 The apology and decryption of files by a ransomware author showcases a rare act of conscience or self-preservation.
  • 🔒 Weak security codes in garage doors create vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit, emphasizing the importance of upgrading security measures.
  • 💳 POS malware is a significant threat to credit card data, and merchants need to prioritize securing their systems and implementing measures to protect customer information.
  • 🖐️ Education and common sense are vital in avoiding phishing attacks, with awareness of website addresses and certificates playing a significant role in protection.
  • 🔒 Proactive approaches and penalties may incentivize merchants to prioritize the security of their POS systems.


hello and welcome to the PC security Channel this is the third episode of security talk with our guest hin from my IT Tech hi uh as R said I run my IT Tech I'm a fairly small YouTube channel that mainly focuses on antivirus reviews as well as some other Mac app spotlights um and that's essentially what I focus on and from time to time I'll um dge i... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How are scammers targeting Mac users with fake tech support scams?

Scammers target Mac users by giving them false error messages or locking their browsers, convincing them that their devices are infected. They use tactics different from those used in Windows tech support scams.

Q: Why did a ransomware author apologize and decrypt files for free?

The reasons for the ransomware author's actions are unknown, but it could be due to being caught in their own trap or realizing the vulnerability of their command and control servers. Speculation aside, the move was highly unusual.

Q: How can garage doors with weak security codes be hacked?

Garage doors with weak security codes, such as 12-bit codes, can be easily hacked using power devices or cell phones to brute force the limited number of combinations. This compromises home security.

Q: How does point-of-sale (POS) malware pose a threat to credit card data?

POS malware, like Malum POS, infects vulnerable POS systems in stores and can steal credit card and customer data. This data can be sold on the black market or used by hackers to make fraudulent charges.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Scammers are now targeting Mac users with fake tech support scams, using tactics such as locking browsers or giving fake error messages to convince Mac users that their devices are infected.

  • In a rare move, a ransomware author apologized and decrypted files for free, possibly due to being caught or facing legal action.

  • Garage doors with weak security codes, such as 12-bit codes, are easily hackable, posing a threat to home security.

  • Point-of-sale (POS) malware, such as Malum POS, can exploit vulnerable POS systems in stores to steal credit card and customer data, making it crucial for merchants to prioritize security.

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