Sara Seager: Search for Planets and Life Outside Our Solar System | Lex Fridman Podcast #116 | Summary and Q&A

August 16, 2020
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Sara Seager: Search for Planets and Life Outside Our Solar System | Lex Fridman Podcast #116


A conversation with a planetary scientist on the search for exoplanets and the possibility of finding extraterrestrial life.

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Key Insights

  • 🌌 Extraterrestrial life represents humanity's longing for contact with the unknown and the possibility of profound revelations about our existence. This excitement and fear of the unknown drives our pursuit of knowledge and exploration in various fields.
  • 📚 Sarah Seager's new memoir, "The Smallest Lights in the Universe," beautifully weaves together the tragedies and triumphs of her life with her love for and research on exoplanets. It offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of planetary science and the search for life beyond our solar system.
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  • 🌟 Sarah Seager's fascination with the stars began at a young age, as she recalls her first memory of the moon following her in the car. This curiosity and wonder is a common trait among children and often shapes their future interests and passions.
  • 🪐 Understanding the layout of the solar system and the vastness of the universe is not easily comprehended, especially as a child. Learning about astronomy and the planets requires exposure to resources like books and educational materials.
  • ✨ Stars, which are actually suns, represent potential hosts for planets and potentially life. The sheer number of stars in our galaxy alone, not to mention the countless other galaxies in the universe, suggests the possibility of planets with life in the vast cosmos.
  • 🔎 The search for exoplanets and signs of life requires advanced telescopes and technology to study the atmospheres of distant planets and analyze gases that may indicate the presence of life. Advances in computing power and detectors have significantly aided in this effort.


the following is a conversation with sarah seeger a planetary scientist at mit known for her work on the search for exoplanets which are planets outside of her solar system she's an author of two books on this fascinating topic plus in a couple days august 18th her new book a memoir called the smallest lights in the universe is coming out i read it... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the main focus of the conversation with the planetary scientist?

The conversation focuses on the search for exoplanets and the possibility of finding extraterrestrial life.

Q: Why are space telescopes important in the search for exoplanets?

Space telescopes are crucial in detecting the faint signals from exoplanets and studying their atmospheres for signs of life.

Q: What is the significance of the discovery of an exoplanet in the habitable zone?

A planet in the habitable zone, where liquid water can exist, increases the chances of finding life as we know it.

Q: What role do gases in the atmosphere play in the search for extraterrestrial life?

Gases in the atmosphere of exoplanets can provide clues about the presence of life, as some gases may be produced by living organisms.

Q: What is the potential impact of commercial space companies on exoplanet research?

Commercial space companies, with their reusable rockets and lower costs, have made space exploration more accessible and have contributed to advancements in exoplanet research.

Q: How do scientists plan to study exoplanets in the future?

Scientists are working on technologies like the starshade, a large specially shaped screen, that can help block the light of a star and allow for more detailed study of exoplanets.

Q: Is there a possibility of colonizing Mars, as Elon Musk suggests?

The colonization of Mars is a long-term goal, but current focus is on finding and studying exoplanets similar to Earth.

Q: What is the biggest challenge in the search for extraterrestrial life?

The biggest challenge is the vastness of the universe and the difficulty in detecting and studying planets that are light-years away from Earth.

Q: What is the main focus of the conversation with the planetary scientist?

The conversation focuses on the search for exoplanets and the possibility of finding extraterrestrial life.


This conversation is with Sarah Seager, a planetary scientist at MIT known for her work on the search for exoplanets. She has authored two books on this topic, and her new memoir, "The Smallest Lights in the Universe," is set to be released soon. In this discussion, Sarah shares her lifelong love for the stars and her belief in the existence of extraterrestrial life. She explains the methods scientists use to detect exoplanets and the possibility of finding signs of life on these distant planets through the analysis of gases in their atmospheres.

Questions & Answers

Q: When did Sarah first fall in love with the stars?

Sarah shares that she has always loved the stars. One of her earliest memories is of watching the moon as a child, which left her in awe and curiosity.

Q: How does Sarah make sense of the vastness of the universe and the concept of Earth as a small planet in it?

Sarah explains that as humans, we are limited by our frame of reference on Earth, and it can be difficult to comprehend the immensity of the universe. She reflects on the feeling of both excitement and terror that comes with contemplating our place in the cosmos.

Q: When did Sarah first learn about the stars and what impact did it have on her?

Sarah recalls a childhood camping trip where she looked up at the night sky and witnessed the multitude of stars, which left a lasting impression on her. She was mesmerized by the sheer number of stars and wondered if anyone else could see it too.

Q: Have there been moments in Sarah's life where she experienced something that left her in awe and disbelief, similar to her experience with the stars?

Sarah shares that she has had similar experiences with robots, where she felt an immediate bond and amazement at their capabilities. She believes that the ability to create and interact with intelligent beings like robots is a testament to human ingenuity.

Q: Does Sarah feel terrified or hopeful about the possibility of extraterrestrial life?

Sarah acknowledges that the idea of extraterrestrial life can evoke both excitement and terror. The unknown and the possibility of encountering beings different from us can be both thrilling and unsettling. However, she believes that it is in this space of uncertainty that humans thrive in their pursuit of knowledge.

Q: Do scientists have an estimate of the probability of intelligent life existing in the universe?

Sarah explains that as a scientist, she hesitates to provide a concrete answer to this question. She emphasizes the need for telescopes capable of studying exoplanet atmospheres to look for signs of life in the future. Sarah believes that within the next few decades, we may have the capability to answer this question.

Q: What are the key factors scientists consider when looking for signs of life on distant planets?

Sarah discusses the criteria scientists use to assess the habitability of exoplanets. This includes factors such as the presence of water, the type of star the planet orbits, the size of the planet, and the chemical composition of the planet's atmosphere. By studying the gases in the atmosphere, scientists hope to find hints of life.

Q: Can the presence of certain gases in an exoplanet's atmosphere indicate the presence of life?

Sarah explains that gases produced by life, such as oxygen, can serve as strong indicators of the presence of living organisms. By studying the composition of exoplanet atmospheres, scientists can look for gases that don't belong or are in excess, which could potentially be attributed to life.

Q: How do scientists detect and study the gases in exoplanet atmospheres?

Sarah describes the methods used to study exoplanet atmospheres, which involve analyzing the light from the planet's host star as it passes through or reflects off the planet's atmosphere. By examining the changes in the star's light, scientists can deduce the chemical composition of the atmosphere and look for signs of life.

Q: Are there particular planets or solar systems that Sarah is more hopeful about when it comes to the presence of life?

Sarah expresses hope that every star in the vicinity has at least one planet with the potential for life. She believes that the vast number of stars and planets increases the chances of life existing elsewhere in the universe. However, she acknowledges that the distance between us and any potential intelligent life may be vast, making direct contact or detection challenging.


Sarah Seager's work on the search for exoplanets and the possibility of extraterrestrial life provides insight into the future of space exploration. By studying exoplanet atmospheres and analyzing the gases present, scientists hope to find hints of life and gain a better understanding of our place in the universe. While the search for intelligent life remains a challenge, the abundance of stars and planets offers hope that life exists elsewhere. As technology and research continue to progress, the possibility of finding answers may be within reach in the coming decades.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Planetary scientist discusses the fascination with exoplanets and the search for extraterrestrial life.

  • The discovery of exoplanets has increased with advancements in technology and data analysis.

  • The search for signs of life on exoplanets is focused on studying their atmospheres for gases that could be produced by living organisms.

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