Salad as a Meal | Patricia Wells | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

April 26, 2011
Talks at Google
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Salad as a Meal | Patricia Wells | Talks at Google


Patricia is a journalist, author, and cooking school teacher who shares her passion for food by writing books and teaching cooking classes.

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Key Insights

  • 🥘 Patricia's career as a journalist and food writer has allowed her to combine her love for writing and food.
  • 👨‍🏫 She runs a successful cooking school in France, where she teaches students about French cuisine and culture.
  • 🔪 Patricia emphasizes the importance of knife skills and proper equipment in the kitchen.
  • 😋 She discusses the changing food scene in France, with a focus on smaller, creative restaurants and a growing influence of Asian flavors.


um so I'm so pleased to have Patricia here with us today she is a journalist author and teacher um and a former New York Times Reporter uh she was a restaurant critic for over 25 years for the international heral Tribune and she has won numerous awards for her cookbooks um she is the three-time winner of the prestigious James Beard award uh and in ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Patricia's passion for food and writing begin?

Patricia grew up with a mother who was a great cook, sparking her love for good food. She knew from a young age that she wanted to be a journalist and eventually combined her passion for food and writing.

Q: What led Patricia to start her own cooking school?

After spending years writing about food and cooking, Patricia realized she loved the interaction with people. She started her cooking school as a way to share her knowledge and passion with others.

Q: What are some common mistakes Patricia sees from novice cooks?

Patricia mentions that many novice cooks struggle with knife skills and using the wrong-sized cookware. She emphasizes the importance of having sharp knives and using appropriately sized utensils for the task at hand.

Q: How does technology impact the food industry?

Patricia acknowledges that technology has both positive and negative aspects in the food industry. While it provides easier access to information and online recipes, it also means that anyone can be a critic or share their opinions on restaurants and recipes.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Patricia has had a successful career as a journalist, author, and restaurant critic for the New York Times.

  • She has won awards for her cookbooks and currently runs a popular cooking school in France.

  • Patricia's latest book, "Salad is a Meal," explores the idea of enjoying salad as a light and healthy yet satisfying dish.

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