Richard Seymour: How beauty feels | Summary and Q&A

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Richard Seymour: How beauty feels


This talk explores the role of beauty in our lives and how it is experienced through both thinking and feeling.

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Key Insights

  • 😮 Beauty is not solely about visual aesthetics, but about how we feel it. It evokes a physiological response and bypasses thinking, connecting directly with our emotions.
  • 😊 Beauty is subjective and can be influenced by personal experiences and knowledge. It is not just about "nice" things, but can also elicit emotions such as poignancy and triumph.
  • 💡 Beauty can be found in unexpected places and objects, such as a plastic bag that can purify water or a child's drawing before their death. Beauty can also be found in the intricacies and layers of design, like in a motorcycle or a water bottle.
  • ⚖️ Design and beauty often involve compromise and balance between different elements and considerations. The challenge is to create something that is both visually appealing and functional, appealing to both the senses and emotions.
  • 👥 Understanding how beauty is perceived and experienced can greatly influence the success of a product or service. The initial impressions and emotional responses play a crucial role in how we perceive and value something.
  • 🤔 The idea of beauty being related to symmetry is not always true. Beauty can also be found in asymmetry and the individual elements of a design, like an eye in a face.
  • 🎭 Beauty can be enhanced and amplified through knowledge and understanding of the design and its purpose. The more we know about something, the greater our appreciation for its beauty.
  • 🔁 Form and function are not separate entities, but intertwined. The emotional functionality of a design is crucial, as it creates a strong emotional bond between the object and the user.


When I was little -- and by the way, I was little once -- my father told me a story about an 18th century watchmaker. And what this guy had done: he used to produce these fabulously beautiful watches. And one day, one of his customers came into his workshop and asked him to clean the watch that he'd bought. And the guy took it apart, and one of the... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Is beauty a purely subjective experience?

While beauty is often subjective and influenced by personal preferences, this talk highlights how certain design elements can evoke emotional responses that are shared among many individuals. The speaker suggests that there may be some universal aspects to the experience of beauty.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker shares a personal story about a watchmaker who believed in adding beauty even where it wasn't visible, leading to a shift in the speaker's perspective.

  • He discusses the emotional response to different design elements, such as the slow fading of car lights or the transition from light to dark in a cinema.

  • The speaker explores the complexities of beauty, including its connection to emotions, intrinsic vs. extrinsic beauty, and the role of knowledge and context in shaping our perception.

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