Hidden miracles of the natural world | Louie Schwartzberg | Summary and Q&A

April 9, 2014
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Hidden miracles of the natural world | Louie Schwartzberg


This content explores the intersection between technology, art, and science to reveal the wonders of the unseen world.

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Key Insights

  • 🎥 Curiosity and wonder drive our exploration of the intersection between technology, art, and science; films can make the invisible visible, transforming our perception and expanding our horizons.
  • 🌍 Time-lapse imagery reveals the slow movements of organisms and the grand scale of our planet in motion, showcasing the vast sweep of nature and the restless movement of humanity.
  • ✈️ Turning air traffic data into time-lapse imagery exposes the invisible vast network of air travel, while data visualization can also showcase the global economy in motion.
  • 📹 High-speed cameras allow us to see the fast movements that are too quick for our eyes, such as the intricate flight patterns of dragonflies and the air flow produced by their wings.
  • 🔬 Electron microscopes magnify objects up to a million times, revealing unseen creatures living on our bodies, and showing the microscopic world of shark skin, caterpillars, fruit flies, and more.
  • ⚛️ Atomic-level imaging and powerful microscopes allow us to explore the nano world, discovering tiny species and potentially creating amazing nano devices that could revolutionize medicine.
  • 🌌 Unseen worlds, filled with cosmic dust, pollen, and micro-diamonds from other planets and supernova explosions, surround us and forever change our understanding of the world.
  • 🌱 By looking at unseen worlds, we recognize that we exist in a living universe, sparking wonder and inspiring us to explore our own backyards, unveiling new wonders that can transform our lives.


What is the intersection between technology, art and science? Curiosity and wonder, because it drives us to explore, because we're surrounded by things we can't see. And I love to use film to take us on a journey through portals of time and space, to make the invisible visible, because what that does, it expands our horizons, it transforms our perc... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the intersection between technology, art, and science?

The intersection between technology, art, and science lies in curiosity and wonder, as they drive us to explore the unseen. The use of film, such as in the 3D IMAX film "Mysteries of the Unseen World," takes us on a journey through time and space, making the invisible visible. This intersection expands our horizons, transforms our perception, opens our minds, and touches our hearts.

Q: How does time-lapse photography help us broaden our perspective?

Time-lapse photography allows us to observe movements that are too slow for our eyes to detect. By capturing the passage of time in fast-forward, we can witness the emergence and growth of organisms, the creeping of a vine toward sunlight, and even the motion of our planet. This broadens our perspective and enhances our understanding of nature.

Q: Can technology reveal the invisible aspects of our world?

Yes, technology can reveal the invisible aspects of our world. By transforming air traffic and ship data into time-lapse imagery, we can visualize the invisible networks of air travel and global economic activity. Additionally, high-speed cameras unveil the fast-paced world that our eyes can't perceive, allowing us to understand intricate movements of creatures like dragonflies. Moreover, electron microscopes magnify objects by a million times, revealing unseen creatures and intricate structures.

Q: How does exploring the nano world contribute to scientific advancements?

Exploring the nano world holds great potential for scientific advancements. Powerful microscopes can unveil the tiniest particles, such as single carbon atoms. With this understanding, scientists can manipulate atoms and create nano devices that could patrol the body, repair DNA, and combat diseases. These potential developments underline the extraordinary advances that await us as we continue to unveil the mysteries of life.


In this video, the speaker explores the intersection between technology, art, and science. Using film as a medium, the speaker takes the audience on a journey to make the invisible visible. Through time-lapse imagery and high-speed cameras, the speaker reveals the beauty and complexity of the natural world. From the movement of organisms to the global network of air and sea travel, technology allows us to perceive things beyond our normal range of vision. The speaker also highlights the importance of exploring the nano world, where tiny creatures and atoms dwell. By recognizing the unseen worlds around us, we can develop a sense of wonder and curiosity, and inspire ourselves to further explore the mysteries of our universe.

Questions & Answers

Q: What drives us to explore the intersection between technology, art, and science?

The intersection between technology, art, and science is driven by curiosity and wonder. It compels us to delve into realms that are not immediately visible to the naked eye. By using film as a medium, we can embark on a journey through portals of time and space, thus making the invisible visible. This process expands our horizons, transforms our perception, opens our minds, and touches our heart.

Q: How does time-lapse imagery enhance our understanding of life?

Time-lapse imagery allows us to observe movement that is too slow for our eyes to detect. It enables us to witness the emergence and growth of organisms, such as vines creeping from the forest floor to reach sunlight. Additionally, time-lapse imagery provides a grand scale view of our planet in motion. We can observe not only the vast sweep of nature but also the restless movement of humanity. By converting air traffic data into time-lapse imagery, for example, we can visualize the extensive network of air travel over the United States, which is constantly above us but invisible to our eyes.

Q: How does high-speed camera technology contribute to our understanding of nature?

High-speed cameras allow us to explore the world of fast-moving phenomena that are imperceptible to our eyes. These cameras capture images thousands of times faster than human vision, thus enabling us to study the intricate mechanisms present in nature. For instance, by tracking markers on a dragonfly's wings, we can visualize the air flow it produces. This discovery has revealed that dragonflies can move all four wings in different directions simultaneously, leading to new insights that can inspire the development of robotic flyers and expand our understanding of remote locations.

Q: What can technology reveal about the tiny world that is unseen to the naked eye?

Technology, such as electron microscopes, unveils the hidden world of microscopic organisms and structures. By using electrons to create highly magnified images, electron microscopes can reveal details that are as much as a million times smaller than what the human eye can see. For example, these microscopes can capture images of the egg of a butterfly and the microscopic creatures, such as mites, that inhabit our bodies. This exploration not only challenges our understanding of the animal kingdom but also suggests that there might be countless tiny species yet to be discovered.

Q: What secrets can be found by delving into the nano world?

The nano world offers a wealth of secrets waiting to be uncovered. By delving into the nano scale, we can observe materials and structures on an atomic level. For instance, spider silk, pound for pound, is stronger than steel and completely elastic, a property that can be better understood and potentially imitated through nanoscale exploration. Furthermore, by manipulating atoms and creating nanodevices, we can envision future possibilities such as tiny chemical machines that patrol the body, repairing DNA and addressing various diseases. The exploration of the nano world promises extraordinary advances and illuminates the mysteries of life.


This video highlights the intersection between technology, art, and science, and their collective ability to reveal the unseen worlds that surround us. Through the use of film, time-lapse imagery, and high-speed cameras, aspects of life that are too slow or too fast for human perception become visible and understandable. Additionally, technology allows us to explore the microscopic and nano worlds, uncovering hidden creatures and unseen structures. Recognizing these unseen worlds fosters a sense of wonder and curiosity, encouraging us to become explorers in our own backyards. This new perspective enhances our understanding of the living universe and inspires us to further explore and witness the transformative wonders that await us.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Technology, art, and science intersect through curiosity and wonder, driving exploration and revealing the unseen world.

  • Film can transport us through portals of time and space, making the invisible visible, expanding horizons and transforming perception.

  • Time-lapse imagery and high-speed cameras allow us to observe slow and fast movements that are imperceptible to the naked eye, leading to new discoveries and advancements.

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