Request for Videos from Users! | Summary and Q&A

September 2, 2009
Khan Academy
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Request for Videos from Users!


Khan Academy won the Microsoft Education Award and is seeking user testimonials for a video to be shown at a prestigious event in Silicon Valley.

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Key Insights

  • ✋ Khan Academy has been recognized with the Microsoft Education Award, showcasing its high impact in the education sector.
  • 🐕‍🦺 The $50,000 cash prize from the award will be used for translation services, tools, or technology upgrades.
  • 🤙 Khan Academy is calling for user testimonials to showcase the real-life impact of their educational platform.
  • 🧑‍💻 This prestigious event in Silicon Valley provides an opportunity for Khan Academy to gain exposure and potentially attract funding from venture capitalists and tech industry leaders.
  • 🥳 The founder of Khan Academy has quit his day job to focus on the platform full-time, demonstrating his dedication and belief in its potential.
  • 👤 User testimonials will provide evidence of Khan Academy's real-world impact and help justify continued support and funding.
  • 🇦🇱 The event will be attended by influential figures such as Al Gore, further increasing the potential impact and exposure for Khan Academy.


there are two pieces of good news recently at the khan academy that i think i need to tell you about and then i have a request for you so the first piece of big good news is that there's this thing called the tech awards and it's kind of like the academy awards of non-profits using technology to help the world it's given by the san jose tech museum... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the Tech Awards and why is it significant for Khan Academy?

The Tech Awards is an event that recognizes non-profits using technology for global impact. It is significant for Khan Academy as it has been nominated for the Microsoft Education Award, one of the awards given at the event.

Q: What benefits does winning the Microsoft Education Award bring to Khan Academy?

Winning the Microsoft Education Award brings exposure and prestige to Khan Academy. It also comes with a cash prize of $50,000, which can be used to enhance and expand their educational resources.

Q: What is the request from Khan Academy to its users?

Khan Academy is asking its users to create video testimonials sharing how Khan Academy has helped them, changed their perspectives on academic subjects, improved their grades, or influenced their career choices.

Q: Why does Khan Academy need user testimonials?

User testimonials will be compiled into a video to be shown at a prestigious event in Silicon Valley. The aim is to demonstrate the impact of Khan Academy's educational platform to influential individuals like Al Gore and potential donors.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Khan Academy has won the Microsoft Education Award, which recognizes non-profits using technology to make a positive impact globally.

  • The award includes a cash prize of $50,000, which will be used for further development and expansion of Khan Academy's resources.

  • Khan Academy is seeking user testimonials to create a video showcasing the impact of their educational platform.

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