July 26, 2023
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Reacting and judging the weird reading habits of viewers, the content creator discusses various habits and relates to many of them.

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Key Insights

  • โ“ Many readers have unique and unconventional reading habits.
  • ๐Ÿƒ Reading habits can vary from person to person, and what works for one might not work for another.
  • ๐Ÿงก Reader habits can range from physical rituals to mental strategies that enhance their reading experience.
  • ๐Ÿซ  Reading habits can be influenced by personal preferences, comfort, and individual quirks.
  • ๐Ÿซ  Some habits, like counting pages or keeping track of reading speed, can add an extra layer of engagement to the reading process.
  • ๐Ÿ’จ Personal rituals and habits are a way for readers to create a comfortable and enjoyable reading environment.
  • โ“ Readers often find solace and connection in knowing that others share their peculiar reading habits.


hey hi hello welcome back to my Channel today I'm going to be judging you guys on your weird reading habits your weirdos you have freaks yeah Geeks my people my fam my friends I went over on my Instagram and asked you guys to submit your weird reading habits and today I'm going to be reacting roasting and judging all of you I'm probably mostly goin... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What motivates someone to start reading a different book when they reach the third act of a book they love?

It seems that picking up a new book somehow pushes them to finish the original book, though the exact motivation behind this habit remains unclear.

Q: When Googling to see if a beloved character survives, do you continue reading the book if you find out that they die?

This habit stems from a desire to emotionally prepare oneself for character deaths, but it is unclear whether the readers continue reading or choose to ignore the character's eventual death.

Q: What does it feel like to read a book without being distracted by other thoughts or notifications?

It is a blissful experience for the reader, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the book without any external distractions.

Q: How do readers manage to walk around while reading a book without losing focus or being clumsy?

It appears that some readers are naturally more adept at multitasking and can walk around while reading without losing focus, while others may struggle with this habit due to their own clumsiness.

Q: Is it common to wash hands before reading a book, and does it indicate a level of respect for the book?

Washing hands before reading can be seen as a sign of respect for the book, though not all readers adhere to this habit. It ultimately varies from person to person.

Q: Why do some readers count the pages of each chapter before reading them?

Counting pages may help readers estimate the time it will take to finish a chapter, which can affect their overall reading experience and expectations.

Q: Do readers find it easier to remember their page number if they stop at the end of a chapter instead of mid-chapter?

Ending at the chapter break makes it easier to remember the page number, but it may not always align with the reader's natural stopping point.

Q: How often do readers read sideways, and how does it affect their reading experience?

Some readers prefer to read on their side due to comfort or support reasons, but it might limit their ability to explore different reading positions.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Content creator invites viewers to share their weird reading habits.

  • Shares her own weird reading habits and relates to the submissions from viewers.

  • Expresses fascination, confusion, and amusement at the different habits mentioned.

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