Progress on Millennium Development Goal 4 | Summary and Q&A

September 15, 2015
Bill Gates
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Progress on Millennium Development Goal 4


The world has seen a massive reduction in child mortality rates since 1990, leading to a significant improvement in children's health and well-being.

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Key Insights

  • 💔 Losing a child is a terrible thing that no one wants to experience. Everyone wants their children to live long, healthy lives.
  • 📊 The eye home website reveals an unexpected number of deaths under the age of 5 in 1990. It was much higher than anticipated.
  • 🌍 From 1990 to 2013, there has been a significant reduction in child deaths, approximately 50%. Only 6 million child deaths occurred in 2013.
  • 😢 In an ideal world, all deaths would occur after the age of 80 and no child would die. This is everyone's wish.
  • 🤝 The world united and set goals to combat child mortality. It also established new funding mechanisms to support this cause. This cooperation has been immensely successful.
  • 🌟 The significant reduction in child deaths is considered one of the greatest success stories in the development sector.
  • 📆 Over the years, the world has made remarkable progress in improving child survival rates, leading to a brighter future for children worldwide.
  • 💰 The success in reducing child mortality highlights the importance of adequate funding and continuous efforts towards this cause for further advancements in child healthcare.


losing a child is a terrible thing everybody wants their children to live and to have long productive healthy lives if you go to the eye hme website here's what the world looked like in 1990 and it's probably not what a lot of people expect because there's this huge number of deaths under age 5 and if you go forward play the story through to 2013 h... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How has child mortality rates changed globally from 1990 to 2013?

From 1990 to 2013, there has been a remarkable decline in child mortality rates, with a nearly 50% reduction and only 6 million child deaths recorded in 2013.

Q: What were some of the measures taken to combat child mortality?

The world came together and set goals, created funding mechanisms, and implemented various initiatives to address child mortality, which contributed to the significant decline in child deaths.

Q: What impact does reducing child mortality have on society?

Reducing child mortality rates not only saves lives but also improves the overall health and well-being of children, leading to a healthier and more productive society in the long run.

Q: Are there specific regions or countries that have seen a more significant decline in child mortality rates?

While the decline in child mortality rates is a global success story, specific regions and countries have made notable progress in reducing child deaths, such as those with improved healthcare systems, access to vaccinations, and comprehensive child health programs.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • In 1990, there were a high number of deaths under the age of 5, but by 2013, child mortality rates had decreased by nearly 50%, with only approximately 6 million child deaths globally.

  • The world united and set goals to combat child mortality, leading to the development of new funding mechanisms and initiatives.

  • The significant decline in child mortality rates is considered one of the greatest success stories in global development.

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