Better Metal | Summary and Q&A

August 28, 2019
Bill Gates
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Better Metal


Boston Metal is using molten oxide electrolysis to produce steel in a carbon-free way, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and revolutionizing the industry.

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Key Insights

  • 🌍 Manufacturing steel is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for nearly 10% of CO2 emissions, making it a crucial area to address in the fight against climate change.
  • 💡 Boston Metal aims to revolutionize the steel industry by producing metals in a clean and competitive way, with the goal of making it better, cleaner, and cheaper, rather than expecting consumers to pay a premium for green metal.
  • ⚙️ The conventional process to make steel involves a chemical reaction that emits large amounts of CO2, whereas Boston Metal uses molten oxide electrolysis, a process that utilizes electricity instead of carbon from coal, resulting in zero CO2 emissions.
  • 🔎 Boston Metal's process of molten oxide electrolysis decomposes iron oxide through the passage of electric current, producing liquid iron and oxygen gas, without the harmful byproduct of CO2.
  • 💪 Boston Metal's data suggests that their method not only eliminates greenhouse gas emissions but also produces better metal at lower energy consumption rates, highlighting its significant potential impact on the industry.
  • 🏭 Disruption in capital-intensive and risk-averse industries like steel typically arises from external sources rather than within the industry itself, making Boston Metal a disruptive force as an outsider driving positive change.
  • ⛓️ The steel industry's transformation towards carbon-free manufacturing has the potential to bring about a substantial reduction in overall CO2 emissions, making it a worthy pursuit in the battle against climate change.
  • 🌱 Sustainable electricity generation without CO2 emissions is an important factor in Boston Metal's process, showcasing the potential for industries to transition to cleaner energy sources for their operations.


Manufacturing steel is one of the largest industrial sources of greenhouse gas emissions. If it could be done in a carbon-free way, it would revolutionize the industry and help fight climate change. There’s a company in Boston trying to do just that. If we can cut greenhouse gas emissions from steel, that’s almost 10% of C02 emissions. That’s worth... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Boston Metal's molten oxide electrolysis process reduce greenhouse gas emissions in steel production?

Boston Metal's molten oxide electrolysis process replaces the conventional use of carbon from coal with electricity, resulting in zero CO2 emissions during steel production. The process decomposes iron oxide using electric current and produces liquid iron, with the oxygen from the iron oxide released as oxygen gas.

Q: Why is it crucial to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in steel manufacturing?

Steel manufacturing is one of the largest industrial sources of greenhouse gas emissions. By cutting these emissions, which account for nearly 10% of CO2 emissions, the industry can make a significant contribution to fighting climate change and reducing its environmental impact.

Q: How does Boston Metal's technology make steel production more competitive?

Boston Metal's molten oxide electrolysis process not only eliminates greenhouse gas emissions but also offers advantages in terms of metal quality and energy consumption rates. By producing better metal at lower energy consumption rates, the company aims to make its carbon-free steel manufacturing process not only environmentally friendly but also economically viable and competitive.

Q: What is the potential impact of Boston Metal's disruptive approach to the steel industry?

As a disruptor in the steel industry, Boston Metal brings an innovative solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transform the manufacturing process. By challenging the conventional methods, the company aims to drive change and set new industry standards for cleaner and more sustainable steel production.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Boston Metal aims to manufacture metals in a clean and competitive way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from steel production.

  • The conventional process of making steel generates large amounts of CO2, while Boston Metal's molten oxide electrolysis process produces zero CO2 emissions.

  • The company's disruptive approach to steel manufacturing involves using electricity instead of carbon from coal, resulting in better metal quality and lower energy consumption rates.

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