Pornography Isn't Your Problem | Jason Mahr | TEDxCincinnati | Summary and Q&A

August 12, 2016
TEDx Talks
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Pornography Isn't Your Problem | Jason Mahr | TEDxCincinnati


A pastor shares his personal journey of overcoming addiction by addressing the root issue of the need for approval and learning to handle rejection.

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Key Insights

  • 💨 The speaker's addiction to pornography was a way to escape reality and gain a false sense of approval.
  • 🫚 Overcoming addiction requires addressing the root issue and learning to handle rejection without becoming depressed.
  • 🥺 Addictions are symptoms of deeper problems, and striving for approval alone may not lead to healing.
  • 👻 Shifting focus from the behavior to the problem allows for personal growth and healing.
  • 🥺 Rejecting the negative impact of rejection on one's identity can lead to healing and self-acceptance.
  • 🤩 Humility and vulnerability play key roles in the healing process from addiction.
  • 🗯️ Accepting that addiction is a behavior used to medicate deeper issues can empower individuals to seek the right kind of help.


Translator: Peter van de Ven Reviewer: Mile Živković Have you ever lived a lie? What kind of impact did it make on you? And on the lives of others around you? For the past 20 years or so, for the better part of the last 20 years, I've been a pastor. I'm a religious man, I'm a family man, a man of faith, and by admission, I'm a total hypocrite. That... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the speaker's addiction affect his relationships?

The addiction left the speaker wounded and depressed, making it difficult for him to manage the relationships that mattered to him, such as his family and marriage.

Q: What was the catalyst for the speaker to seek help?

On the verge of losing another job, the church leader recognized that something was broken inside the speaker and offered to hire a life coach to help him address his underlying issues.

Q: How did the speaker feel about sharing his addiction struggle with someone he respected?

Initially, the speaker was reluctant to share his darkest secret for fear of judgment and losing approval. However, he eventually took the leap and shared it with the church leader, leading to life-changing revelations.

Q: What was the underlying problem behind the speaker's addiction?

The speaker discovered that his addiction to pornography was a symptom of a deeper problem: the need for approval and an inability to handle rejection.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker, a pastor, admits to being a hypocrite, preaching about following strict rules while secretly being involved in an addiction that affected his relationships.

  • He shares a breakup letter to his addiction, highlighting the negative impact it had on his life and how ending the relationship allowed him to regain control and heal.

  • The speaker's eye-opening moment came when a church leader hired a life coach who helped him understand that addiction is a behavior used to medicate deeper, underlying issues like the need for approval.

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