Youth Leadership: Empowering the future | Ali Redha Z. Damji | TEDxPristinePrivateSchool | Summary and Q&A

September 6, 2016
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Youth Leadership: Empowering the future | Ali Redha Z. Damji | TEDxPristinePrivateSchool


Developing soft skills and embracing leadership qualities can unlock potential and create opportunities for success.

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Key Insights

  • 🤔 Developing soft skills, especially in young adults, is crucial for becoming a better leader and succeeding in job interviews.
  • 💪 Leadership is not limited to having a title or position; one can create their own chances and be a leader.
  • 🔑 Each individual has a unique recipe for leadership, starting with their base skills and building upon them.
  • 🌍 Youth leadership is important in effecting change and making a positive impact on society and the world.
  • 🗣️ Being a good communicator and using one's voice effectively is a key aspect of leadership.
  • 🙌 Age should not restrict young people from speaking out and making a difference; their perspectives are valuable and should be given importance.
  • ✨ Malala Yousafzai is a powerful example of how a young person's voice can make waves and inspire others.
  • 📚 Soft skills are often overlooked but are essential for becoming a successful leader and making an impact in the world.


how many of you would consider yourselves leaders show of hands please all right fair enough fair enough let me tell you a story once upon a time there was a big fat bully he was small but loud a yapper no doubt and that's forward a couple of years he seems to be yapping in front of all of you right now so what's changed rather what's caused this c... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why are soft skills often overlooked in the education system?

Soft skills are often overlooked in the education system because the focus is primarily on numeracy, literacy, and science, which are seen as more important for academic success. However, soft skills are equally important for personal and professional development, and should be prioritized to create well-rounded individuals.

Q: How can developing soft skills benefit job interviews?

Developing soft skills can benefit job interviews by giving candidates the confidence and ability to effectively communicate their strengths and abilities. Soft skills such as self-awareness, empathy, and the ability to work well in a team are highly sought after by employers, and can set candidates apart from others.

Q: Can introverts be effective leaders?

Absolutely. Being an effective leader is not solely dependent on being outgoing or talkative. Introverts often possess the qualities of good listeners, thoughtful decision-makers, and effective communicators through writing and meaningful one-on-one conversations. Introverts can excel as leaders by leveraging their unique strengths.

Q: Why is it important for young people to embrace leadership at an early age?

Embracing leadership at an early age allows young people to develop valuable skills such as communication, teamwork, and organization that will benefit them in various aspects of life. It also empowers them to have a voice, take initiative, and make a positive impact in their communities and the world.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker shares their personal journey of discovering and embracing leadership qualities and the impact it has had on their life.

  • Soft skills, such as communication, organization, and stress management, are crucial for becoming an effective leader.

  • Each individual has a unique recipe for leadership, with different starting materials and base ingredients.

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