Options: The Secret Life of Steve Jobs, A Parody | Daniel Lyons | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

November 26, 2007
Talks at Google
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Options: The Secret Life of Steve Jobs, A Parody | Daniel Lyons | Talks at Google


A writer explains how he started a fake blog as Steve Jobs and eventually turned it into a book.

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Key Insights

  • ๐ŸŒฅ๏ธ Humorous blogs can attract a large and dedicated audience.
  • ๐Ÿ†• Parodying public figures like CEOs can provide a fresh and interesting perspective.
  • ๐Ÿ˜ช Writing anonymously allows for greater creative freedom but can also be tiring and challenging to maintain.


and I think that guy Lotz from GM was blog so some CEOs were blogging the big question was should your CEO blog and and I thought it was a crazy idea the CEOs no way they should never block I you know but I thought what if a CEO did but he like went totally off the rails and he totally did say what he really thought you know and and it was just a c... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why did the writer start a fake blog as Steve Jobs?

The writer thought it would be hilarious if a CEO like Steve Jobs went "off the rails" and said what he really thought. It was a way to provide a unique and interesting perspective.

Q: How did the blog gain popularity?

The writer initially shared the blog with a few friends who then passed it on to others. It started growing organically and attracted thousands of readers from around the world.

Q: How did the writer handle being anonymous?

The writer was initially anonymous but eventually revealed his identity to a few friends and Forbes magazine. The blog continued to grow and eventually, the New York Times discovered his true identity.

Q: Did the writer face any backlash or negative comments?

While some people criticized the writer for using swear words or making offensive jokes, most readers enjoyed the blog and found it entertaining. Some public figures, like Fred Vogelstein, appreciated the humor and even reached out to the writer.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The writer created a fake blog as Steve Jobs, imagining the Apple CEO in humorous and exaggerated scenarios.

  • The blog gained popularity and attracted a large audience from around the world.

  • After six weeks, the writer shut down the blog temporarily but brought it back due to popular demand.

  • The blog evolved to include not only jokes but also news coverage and fictional storylines.

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