OpenAI’s New AI Thinks That Birds Aren’t Real! 🕊️ | Summary and Q&A

April 9, 2022
Two Minute Papers
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OpenAI’s New AI Thinks That Birds Aren’t Real! 🕊️


OpenAI's new AI, InstructGPT, is capable of following instructions and providing more informative and accurate answers compared to GPT-3.

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Key Insights

  • 🚂 OpenAI's GPT-3 and InstructGPT are trained AIs capable of finishing sentences and following instructions.
  • ✍️ InstructGPT outperforms GPT-3 in providing informative and accurate answers, as shown in examples involving cannonball trajectories, code summarization, and poetry writing.
  • 👯 In a user study, people preferred InstructGPT's solutions over previous techniques.
  • ⚾ InstructGPT has limitations, including the acceptance of false premises and the potential to make up answers based on those false premises.
  • 👨‍🔬 Further research and development in AI are expected to produce even better methods in the future.
  • 👨‍💻 Potential applications of AI like InstructGPT include providing informative answers, assisting in coding, and generating creative content.
  • ❓ The progress made by OpenAI is impressive, with the promise of future advancements in AI technology.


Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute  Papers with Dr. Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. Today we are going to explore what happens  if we unleash an AI to read the internet,   and then, ask it some silly questions and  we’ll get some really amazing answers. But how? Well, in the last few years, OpenAI set  out to train an AI named GPT-3 that could finish  ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does InstructGPT differ from GPT-3?

InstructGPT is an AI developed by OpenAI that can finish sentences and also accurately follow instructions. Unlike GPT-3, InstructGPT provides more informative and accurate answers to questions.

Q: Can InstructGPT provide insightful code summarizations?

While GPT-3 fails to provide informative answers about code, InstructGPT delivers more insightful answers that demonstrate understanding of the code's functionality, although it may still not be entirely correct.

Q: How does InstructGPT fare in writing poetry?

GPT-3 struggles to write coherent poetry about a wise frog. In contrast, InstructGPT produces a poem that describes the frog as a wise being, a great teacher, and a potential bringer of peace.

Q: What limitation does InstructGPT have?

InstructGPT has the limitation of accepting false premises in questions, leading it to make up answers based on those premises. This can result in nonsensical or inaccurate responses.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • OpenAI has trained an AI named GPT-3 that can finish sentences and even complete images.

  • However, GPT-3 lacks the ability to follow instructions accurately, as shown when asked to explain the moon landing to a 6-year-old.

  • In contrast, InstructGPT is a new method developed by OpenAI that not only finishes sentences but also follows instructions successfully.

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