OpenAI’s Image GPT Completes Your Images With Style! | Summary and Q&A

September 1, 2020
Two Minute Papers
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OpenAI’s Image GPT Completes Your Images With Style!


OpenAI's new technique, Image GPT, fills in missing pixels in incomplete images with remarkable detail and accuracy.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ OpenAI's Image GPT technique can complete missing pixels in images with astonishing accuracy and attention to detail.
  • 🪜 The AI's ability to add text, shadows, colors, and indirect illumination demonstrates its understanding of image context.
  • ❓ The generated completions closely resemble the true reference images, showcasing the effectiveness of the technique.
  • #️⃣ The number of parameters in Image GPT suggests the potential for future versions with even greater capabilities.
  • 👍 OpenAI's approach of scaling up neural networks has proven successful in enhancing AI performance.
  • ⚾ Image GPT expands the applications of learning-based techniques from text processing to image completion.
  • 🤨 The technique's success raises exciting possibilities for future advancements in image generation and reconstruction.


Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Dr. Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. In early 2019, a learning-based technique appeared that could perform common natural language processing operations, for instance, answering questions, completing text, reading comprehension, summarization, and more. This method was developed by scientists at OpenAI, and... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Image GPT fill in missing pixels in incomplete images?

Image GPT uses a learning-based technique to analyze incomplete images and generate accurate completions for the missing parts. It combines knowledge about the world with a deep understanding of image reconstruction to create realistic results.

Q: What kind of information does Image GPT add to incomplete images?

Image GPT goes beyond filling in missing pixels. It adds details such as text on papers, shadows, colors bleeding onto fur, and even indirect illumination. These additions demonstrate the AI's ability to understand the context of the image and recreate missing information accordingly.

Q: How accurate are the completions generated by Image GPT?

The completions generated by Image GPT are highly accurate and detailed. While there may be some uncertainty in certain parts of the image, overall, the AI's ability to complete images is remarkable. The results often closely resemble the true reference images, as demonstrated in the examples provided.

Q: How do the parameters in Image GPT compare to previous versions?

Image GPT has a number of parameters closer to GPT-2 than GPT-3. This suggests that future versions with a higher number of parameters could lead to even greater capabilities. OpenAI's approach of scaling up the network has shown significant improvements in the past, indicating the potential for further advancements in image completion.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • OpenAI has developed a technique called Image GPT that fills in missing pixels in incomplete images.

  • Using this technique, the AI is able to accurately complete images with text, indirect illumination, and attention to detail.

  • The neural network used for Image GPT contains between 1.5 and 7 billion parameters.

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