NVIDIA's New AI: Better AI Videos Are Here! | Summary and Q&A

March 12, 2023
Two Minute Papers
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NVIDIA's New AI: Better AI Videos Are Here!


Google scientists and NVIDIA researchers have made remarkable progress in improving long-term consistency in AI-generated videos, surpassing previous techniques and achieving higher realism.

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Key Insights

  • 💨 Google's initial experiment of AI flying into a single photo paved the way for advancements in video generation.
  • 🛀 Previous techniques like MoCoGAN-HD, TATS, and DiGAN showed progress but had limitations and artifacts.
  • 👶 NVIDIA's new technique surpasses the previous state-of-the-art, achieving better long-term consistency, synthesizing new scenery, and providing super-resolution.
  • 👶 Neural network perception and user studies confirm the increased realism and preference for the new technique.


Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute  Papers with Dr. Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. In 2021, scientists at Google had an absolutely  insane idea. Do you see this photo? Yes? They   said, now, let’s give this to the AI, and ask  it to fly into this photo. Insanity. And yet,   it worked like this. Absolutely  amazing. It was not given a video,   and not ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the main challenge in creating AI-generated videos with long-term consistency?

The main challenge is to ensure that the generated content remains coherent and does not morph into unrelated scenes over time, which has been a struggle for previous techniques.

Q: How does the new technique from NVIDIA compare to previous methods in terms of realism?

The new technique surpasses previous methods in terms of realism, as confirmed by both neural network perception and user studies, where a significant majority preferred the new technique over the previous state-of-the-art.

Q: What are some advantages of the new technique over previous ones?

The new technique not only improves long-term consistency but also excels in synthesizing new scenery, providing better camera motion and rotation. Additionally, it offers super-resolution, enhancing video quality by adding more detail.

Q: Are there any limitations or issues with the new technique?

Although the new technique shows remarkable progress, it still has some artifacts, morphing, and other minor issues. It is an ongoing research process, and further advancements can be expected in future papers.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Google's insane idea of using AI to fly into a single photo has led to advancements in long-term consistency, with NVIDIA's new technique promising even better results.

  • Previous techniques like MoCoGAN-HD and TATS struggled with consistency, while DiGAN showed progress but had artifacts. The new technique from NVIDIA surpasses all previous methods.

  • The new technique not only enhances consistency but also excels in synthesizing new scenery and providing super-resolution, creating high-quality videos with better camera motion and rotation.

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