nobody cares about me and that's okay | Summary and Q&A

July 19, 2023
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nobody cares about me and that's okay


Booktuber Jesse discusses their reading preferences, YouTube struggles, and personal growth in a reflective Q&A session.

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Key Insights

  • 🫵 Jesse is exploring the romance genre but hasn't delved into steamier books yet, welcoming recommendations from viewers.
  • 🥰 YouTube algorithm changes and declining viewership have affected Jesse's confidence and perception of their channel. They emphasize the importance of focusing on their love for books and engaging with their dedicated audience.
  • 👋 Jesse has special edition books that they don't plan on reading but want to keep in good condition as collectible items.


testing testing one two three okay is it clickbait or is it really how I feel stay tuned to find out hey hi hello welcome back to my Channel today I'm doing a little q a moment I haven't done a little q a moment in a second and I just felt like doing a little q a moment so we're gonna do a little q a moment when will I stop being a broken record wh... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What book made you want to sprinkle holy water in your eyes due to its sinful content?

While Jesse is exploring the romance genre, they admit to not having read any steamy books yet. They express a willingness to try them and ask for recommendations from viewers.

Q: How are you dealing with YouTube algorithm changes and declining viewership?

Jesse shares their experience of declining views and feelings of irrelevance. They emphasize the importance of focusing on their love for books, engaging with their dedicated audience, and not getting caught up in view and subscriber counts.

Q: Do you own any books that you plan on not reading but are never getting rid of?

Jesse mentions having special edition books, such as Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom, that they want to keep in good condition. They admit to owning multiple editions for reading purposes and treating these special edition books like museum artifacts.

Q: What direction do you want to go with your content moving forward?

In their current "flop era," Jesse expresses a desire to experiment with their content and have fun. They mention upcoming videos involving underrated books, nostalgic reading, and a focus on enjoying themselves rather than getting caught up in views and subscriber counts.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Jesse discusses their exploration of the romance genre, expressing their willingness to read steamier books and asking for recommendations.

  • They express their frustrations with YouTube's algorithm and declining viewership, while also recognizing the importance of engaging with their dedicated audience.

  • Jesse talks about keeping special edition books in pristine condition, their thoughts on future bookshelf tours, and the temporary decision to display books without their covers.

  • Other topics covered include Jesse's preference for spicy food, avoiding reading A Little Life to protect their peace, their growth in confidence over time, and their willingness to experiment with content moving forward.

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