No. 1 Performance Psychologist: Here's What The Best in the World Know About Success That You Don't | Summary and Q&A

April 30, 2024
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No. 1 Performance Psychologist: Here's What The Best in the World Know About Success That You Don't


Our stories and the energy we bring to them can either empower or limit us in life. The intersection of time and energy is crucial for success.

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Key Insights

  • 🤳 The stories we tell ourselves shape our beliefs, self-confidence, and overall happiness.
  • 👶 Our public voice becomes our children's inner voice, making it crucial to be mindful of the stories we tell them.
  • 🥰 High performers often exceed their own expectations because they have a love for what they do.
  • 🥅 Our stories need constant examination to ensure they align with reality, our values, and our goals.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Time only has value when it intersects with energy, making energy a crucial factor in success.
  • 🛟 The health and recovery of our energy reserves impact our ability to engage fully in life.
  • 🥺 Ritualizing moments and creating positive habits can lead to increased mental toughness and performance.


the stories we tell ourselves and the stories we tell others either enable us to fulfill and to have a great life or actually take us in tragic directions and I've seen this over and over again one of the things that you've said in your work is that time only has value in its intersection with energy talk to me about time and energy so what questio... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do the stories we tell ourselves impact our lives?

The stories we tell ourselves have a profound impact on our beliefs, self-confidence, and overall happiness. Empowering stories can lead us to success, while limiting ones can hold us back.

Q: How can parents shape the inner voice and stories of their children?

Parents must be mindful of the stories they tell their children, as their public voice becomes their children's inner voice. Parents should strive to communicate messages that empower, support, and align with the values they want their children to embody.

Q: What is the difference between the stories high performers tell themselves and the rest of us?

High performers often never dreamed they would achieve the level of success they attained. They had a love for their pursuits, which allowed them to exceed their own expectations. Their stories were not limited by preconceived notions or self-imposed limitations.

Q: How can we change the stories we tell ourselves if they are limiting us?

Recognizing the faults in our stories is the first step. We can ask ourselves if the story aligns with reality, our values, and who we want to become. We should purposefully orchestrate our stories to align with the best version of ourselves.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Our internal stories can either empower or limit us in life, affecting our joy, happiness, and belief in ourselves.

  • The way we speak to ourselves and to others plays a significant role in shaping our inner voice and the stories we tell ourselves.

  • The most successful individuals often never dreamed of achieving the level of success they attained, but their love for what they pursued allowed for extraordinary outcomes.

  • The stories we tell ourselves need careful examination to ensure they align with reality, our values, and our goals.

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