Nick Bostrom: Experience Machine | AI Podcast Clips | Summary and Q&A

March 28, 2020
Lex Fridman
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Nick Bostrom: Experience Machine | AI Podcast Clips


The thought experiment of the Experience Machine raises questions about the value of real experiences versus simulated ones.

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Key Insights

  • 🧠 The experience machine thought experiment explores the idea that what we value depends on more than just our experiences, raising questions about the nature of value and fulfillment.
  • ⚙️ The experience machine may provide constant happiness, but it lacks the real connections and interactions with others that many people value in life.
  • 🌍 The experience machine may prevent individuals from having a significant impact on history, which some may consider an important aspect of their ideal life.
  • 🛌 The decision to enter the experience machine may be influenced by the status quo effect, as people may prefer to stick to what they are familiar with rather than embracing the unknown.
  • 💡 Our values and preferences may be less dependent on the external reality and more connected to our involvement in projects, relationships, and self-identity.
  • 🌾 The distinction between what is "real" and what is simulated becomes blurred, but there are differences in experiences and consequences inside and outside the experience machine.
  • 🕊️ In the experience machine, the impact on the lives of simulated beings may vary depending on the level of implementation and consciousness they possess.
  • ❓ The possibility of faking consciousness and interactions raises questions about the feasibility of creating an experience machine that truly replicates human experiences and relationships.


meaning philosophy there's this experience machine thought experiment have you come across this so Robert Nozick had this thought experiment where you imagine some crazy super-duper neuroscientist of the future have created a machine that could give you any experience you want if you step in there and for the rest of your life you can kind of pre-p... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the Experience Machine thought experiment?

The Experience Machine thought experiment is a hypothetical scenario where individuals can enter a machine that provides any desired experience for the rest of their lives.

Q: Why do some argue against entering the Experience Machine?

Some argue against entering the Experience Machine because it lacks genuine connections with real people and the ability to have a significant impact on history.

Q: What is the distinction between "appear to be real" and "actually real" experiences?

The distinction between "appear to be real" and "actually real" experiences refers to the difference between simulated experiences that feel real but are not, and genuine experiences that exist in the physical world.

Q: Why do personal values play a role in the debate?

Personal values play a role in the debate because they are often connected to specific projects, relationships, and self-identity, which may be difficult to maintain within the confines of the Experience Machine.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Experience Machine thought experiment involves a machine that can provide any desired experience, raising questions about the value of simulated experiences.

  • One argument against entering the Experience Machine is the lack of real connections with other people and the inability to have a genuine impact on history.

  • The distinction between "appear to be real" and "actually real" experiences plays a role in the debate, as well as the idea of personal values being connected to specific projects and relationships.

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