Eric Schmidt: Google | Lex Fridman Podcast #8 | Summary and Q&A

December 4, 2018
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Eric Schmidt: Google | Lex Fridman Podcast #8


Eric Schmidt shares insights on his love for technology, the importance of broad impact in business, the future of AI, and the meaning of life.

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Key Insights

  • 🥰 The love for technology and passion for building things drives knowledge acquisition and learning.
  • ✋ The success of entrepreneurs is often based on a high level of intelligence and insightfulness.
  • 🎓 AI has great potential in healthcare and education to make individuals smarter and healthier.
  • 🍉 Thinking beyond short-term plans and considering the long-term impact is essential for businesses and technology development.


  • The following is a conversation with Eric Schmidt. He was the CEO of Google for 10 years and a chairman for six more, guiding the company through an incredible period of growth and a series of world-changing innovations. He is one of the most impactful leaders in the era of the internet and the powerful voice for the promise of technology in our ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Eric Schmidt discover the beauty of math and programming?

Schmidt discovered the beauty of math when he realized he could use it to discover new insights in high school. Programming gave him the ability to build things that had his name on it and sparked his passion for technology.

Q: Did Eric Schmidt predict the future of computers in the 70s?

Schmidt admits that he couldn't have predicted the future of computers accurately. While he understood their potential, he didn't grasp the concept of scaling and the impact of having millions of users.

Q: What is the healthiest way for the AI community to think about AI safety?

Schmidt believes that the focus should be on spreading the benefits of AI in fields like healthcare and education. He highlights the importance of having ethical guidelines and policies to guide research and ensure safety.

Q: How should aspiring entrepreneurs approach starting a new venture?

Schmidt advises aspiring entrepreneurs to look for powerful insights and innovative approaches that address real-world problems. He encourages taking risks and seizing opportunities, much like Larry and Sergey did when they started Google.

Q: How did Eric Schmidt discover the beauty of math and programming?

Schmidt discovered the beauty of math when he realized he could use it to discover new insights in high school. Programming gave him the ability to build things that had his name on it and sparked his passion for technology.

More Insights

  • The love for technology and passion for building things drives knowledge acquisition and learning.

  • The success of entrepreneurs is often based on a high level of intelligence and insightfulness.

  • AI has great potential in healthcare and education to make individuals smarter and healthier.

  • Thinking beyond short-term plans and considering the long-term impact is essential for businesses and technology development.

  • The ultimate fulfillment in life comes from finding meaning, purpose, and serving others. Money beyond a certain threshold does not significantly contribute to happiness.


In this video, Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, discusses his love for technology, the importance of math and programming, his experiences in the tech industry, and his thoughts on artificial intelligence. He also talks about leadership styles, the future of AI, and the significance of finding meaning and purpose in life.

Questions & Answers

Q: What was the first moment when Eric Schmidt fell in love with technology?

Eric Schmidt grew up in the 1960s when the space program was popular, and like many boys at that time, he was fascinated by rockets and space exploration. He recalls shooting model rockets in a cow pasture behind his house as a child. Today, he believes video games and the endless possibilities of the internet are what capture the interest of young people in technology.

Q: How did Eric Schmidt discover the beauty of math and its practical applications?

Schmidt explains that early on, he realized he had a talent for math and found joy in using it to gain new insights. Like many scientists and innovators, he had a formative experience during high school or college where he discovered he could make unique contributions and have a real impact. For Schmidt, his passion was programming and creating things that didn't exist before. He compares it to the open-source contributions made by computer scientists today and acknowledges the value of learning from the vast amount of knowledge available in platforms like GitHub.

Q: Did Eric Schmidt predict the future of personal computers in the 70s?

Schmidt admits that he couldn't accurately predict the trajectory of personal computers and their widespread use in the 80s, 90s, and beyond. Although he was involved in creating a program called Lex in 1975, he credits the work of many others for the success and development of personal computers. At that time, he was more focused on the excitement of technology platforms rather than envisioning the scale and impact they would have.

Q: How does Eric Schmidt approach the scalability and impact of technology platforms today?

Schmidt's perspective has evolved, and now he considers scalability and broad impact when evaluating technology platforms. He believes that if something cannot reach millions or billions of users, it likely won't be successful in today's competitive market. The key is building something with common value, pricing, distribution, and solving common problems that people have. He emphasizes the importance of looking into the future and anticipating what technology will look like when it's in the hands of a billion people.

Q: What benefits does Eric Schmidt see in technology improving the lives of the middle class?

Schmidt acknowledges that the middle class comprises a significant portion of the population, which creates a huge market for products and solutions that can improve their lives. He believes that any product or idea that has a substantial impact on the middle class is a great business decision that will have positive effects on society as a whole. He also notes that starting in a specialized market is acceptable, as long as there is a plan to eventually reach the broader middle class.

Q: Did Eric Schmidt see personal computers and technology as tools or something more significant?

Schmidt confesses that he was primarily focused on the excitement of technology platforms rather than thinking about them as entities beyond tools. He highlights that most technical people, including himself, didn't fully grasp the scale and societal impact technology would have. They tend to view it as a great technological play rather than foreseeing the profound implications it would have on various industries and social aspects.

Q: How does Eric Schmidt approach thinking about the future of technology beyond the next five years?

Schmidt stresses that most individuals and even companies struggle to make accurate predictions beyond one year. However, he believes it is crucial to have a proper five-year plan and anticipate the changes and advancements in underlying technology platforms. Understanding improvements in algorithms, specialized hardware, and network conductivity is essential for building systems differently and making informed predictions about the future.

Q: What is Eric Schmidt's take on the impossible versus the possible in artificial intelligence and technology?

Schmidt values dreamers and visionary thinkers who challenge conventional wisdom to bring about innovative solutions and advancements. He believes that these individuals drive progress in science and technology by pushing boundaries and assembling knowledge in new and powerful ways. While there are ethical questions and potential safety concerns with artificial intelligence in the distant future, he emphasizes the importance of focusing on the near-term positive impact of AI in areas like healthcare and education, rather than worrying about far-off existential threats.

Q: How should the AI community and the general public approach concerns about the mismanagement of AI technology?

Schmidt assures that the popular notion of killer robots and existential threats from AI is unfounded, and the focus should be on the near-term benefits of AI in healthcare and education. He mentioned Google's policies on AI safety and believes that responsible corporations and researchers should take appropriate precautions. While there are ongoing conversations about AI safety and ethical guidelines, the immediate priority should be maximizing the societal benefits of AI.

Q: How does Eric Schmidt view the drive for wealth in society, having achieved success in various dimensions?

Schmidt explains that above a certain threshold, money does not significantly contribute to happiness. Instead, he emphasizes the importance of finding meaning and purpose in life, serving others, and making a positive impacton society. He believes that people are happiest when they work on what truly matters to them and when they are in service to others. Schmidt sees wealth as a responsibility to improve human society and is passionate about using AI and machine learning to make the world a better place.


Eric Schmidt emphasized the importance of passion, purpose, and making a positive impact when pursuing endeavors in technology and life. He encouraged following one's interests and finding innovative approaches to make a meaningful difference. Additionally, he highlighted the significance of understanding the scalability and broad impact of technology platforms, staying ahead of future advancements, and embracing diversity in leadership styles. Schmidt also debunked fears of AI, emphasizing the current benefits and potential positive impact in areas such as healthcare and education. Ultimately, he emphasized that true happiness is derived from finding meaning, serving others, and making a lasting positive contribution to society.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Eric Schmidt fell in love with technology as a boy and became passionate about programming and building things that had not existed before.

  • He emphasizes the importance of looking for things with broad applicability and common value to have a large-scale impact in business.

  • Schmidt believes that AI has great potential in healthcare and education to improve lives and make individuals smarter and healthier.

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