New DeepMind AI Beats AlphaGo 100-0 | Two Minute Papers #201 | Summary and Q&A

October 30, 2017
Two Minute Papers
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New DeepMind AI Beats AlphaGo 100-0 | Two Minute Papers #201


AlphaGo, an AI program for the game of Go, has evolved through multiple versions, culminating in AlphaGo Zero, which surpasses all previous versions and achieves unbeatable performance after 40 days of self-play.

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Key Insights

  • ✊ AlphaGo's development showcases the power of deep neural networks and algorithmic advancements in the field of AI.
  • 👾 By combining neural networks and Monte Carlo Tree Search, AlphaGo overcomes the complexity of the game of Go, which has a vast search space.
  • ❓ AlphaGo's ability to learn and improve by competing against itself demonstrates the potential of reinforcement learning in AI.
  • 🔉 The evolution of AlphaGo represents a significant milestone in the advancement of AI and has garnered immense attention and media coverage.
  • ❓ AlphaGo Zero's ability to achieve unbeatable performance without any prior human knowledge or assistance is a groundbreaking achievement.
  • 👻 The fusion of the policy and value networks in AlphaGo Zero allows for more efficient training and faster skill acquisition.
  • 👾 AlphaGo's success highlights the capability of AI systems to surpass human performance in highly complex and strategic games.


Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. Hold on to your papers, because this work on AlphaGo is absolute insanity. In the game of Go, the players put stones on a table where the objective is to surround more territory than the opponent. This is a beautiful game that is particularly interesting for AI research, bec... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does AlphaGo use deep neural networks to play Go?

AlphaGo employs a policy network to predict moves and a value network to predict the game's outcome. These networks, combined with Monte Carlo Tree Search, help AlphaGo navigate the vast search space of possible moves.

Q: How did AlphaGo defeat a professional Go player without a handicap?

Through extensive training and playing thousands of games, AlphaGo became as skilled as a formidable human player. It then competed against a 2-dan European Go champion, Fan Hui, and achieved a historic victory with a 5 to 0 score.

Q: Was AlphaGo able to defeat a 9-dan world champion?

Yes, in a highly anticipated match, AlphaGo faced off against Lee Sedol, a 9-dan world champion. AlphaGo won the series with a score of 4 to 1, showcasing its superior gameplay and defeating the doubts of the Go community.

Q: How did AlphaGo Zero surpass previous versions of AlphaGo?

Unlike previous versions, AlphaGo Zero learned entirely through self-play, without any human-played games. Within 40 days, it surpassed all previous versions, including the previously unbeatable AlphaGo Master, by defeating it 100-0.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • AlphaGo uses deep neural networks and Monte Carlo Tree Search to identify strong moves in the complex game of Go.

  • After learning the basics of Go through thousands of games, AlphaGo plays and improves its skills by competing against itself.

  • AlphaGo's evolution includes defeating professional Go players, culminating in AlphaGo Zero, which learns from scratch without any human-played games and achieves unbeatable performance after just 40 days of training.

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