Never Listen to Stock Market Crash Predictions | Do This Instead | Summary and Q&A

July 2, 2021
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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Never Listen to Stock Market Crash Predictions | Do This Instead


Don't panic and sell your stocks based on stock market crash predictions, as being early can be just as bad as being wrong.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Stock market crashes are being predicted, causing panic among investors.
  • ❓ Some investors are constantly pessimistic and predict crashes regularly.
  • 🌸 Being early in predicting a crash can result in missed opportunities and potential losses.
  • 🥺 Selling stocks based on crash predictions can lead to missed returns and poor timing of the market.
  • 📼 It is important to rebalance stocks across sectors and diversify assets to mitigate risks.
  • 🤙 Selling covered calls against stocks can reduce risk and provide additional income.
  • 🚥 Personalizing investment strategies based on time horizon and risk tolerance is crucial.


the market is on edge the upward climb in stocks has stopped and investors are panicking are the billionaire investors right about their calls for a crash in stocks in this video i'll reveal why you should never listen to stock market crash predictions two reasons why being right might still be wrong and what to do instead to protect your money we'... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why should we not listen to stock market crash predictions?

Stock market crash predictions can be made by overly pessimistic investors who are constantly predicting crashes. They may be referred to as "perma bears" and are not always accurate in their predictions.

Q: What is the danger of being early in predicting a crash?

Being early in predicting a crash can lead to missed opportunities for returns and potential losses. Investors like Michael Burry, who predicted the housing crash, suffered significant losses because they were too early in their predictions.

Q: Are there examples of past predictions that were too early?

Yes, investors like Ray Dalio and Peter Schiff have been warning about market crashes for years, yet the market has continued to climb. For example, predictions about a dot-com bubble burst did not materialize and the mentioned tech stocks saw significant returns.

Q: What is the downside of selling stocks based on crash predictions?

Selling stocks based on crash predictions can result in missed opportunities for returns, as well as potential losses from timing the market. It is often better to remain calm and hold onto stocks during market fluctuations.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Stock market crashes are being predicted by billionaire investors, causing panic among investors.

  • However, some investors are constantly pessimistic and always predict crashes, earning them the nickname "perma bears."

  • Being early in predicting a crash can be detrimental, as evidenced by past predictions that were too early and caused huge losses.

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