My Musical Career Brandy | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

April 9, 2013
Talks at Google
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My Musical Career Brandy | Talks at Google


Brandy discusses her career, influences, and personal life during an intimate Q&A session at Google.

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Key Insights

  • ⚾ Brandy has a dedicated and passionate fan base who have supported her throughout her career.
  • 😊 She is proud to be a role model and an example of possibility for others.
  • 🥰 The entertainment industry has its challenges, but Brandy remains committed to her love for performing and connecting with her audience.
  • 🤗 She strives to continue growing as an artist, both in music and acting, and is open to new opportunities and collaborations.
  • 🪭 Brandy appreciates the impact she has on her fans and the opportunity to inspire and connect with them through music and social media.


DARA WILSON: How you guys doing today? [CHEERS] DARA WILSON: There you go. That's the enthusiastic Google I know. BRANDY: Yes. DARA WILSON: OK. My name is Dara Wilson. I'm a merchandising manager for devices on Google Play. I am also a happy member of the Black Googlers Network. And on behalf of them and "Musicians at Google," I want to welcome you... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does it feel to celebrate your 20th year in the music industry?

It feels great to do what I love and to have the opportunity to inspire others through music. I've gone through ups and downs, but I'm grateful for the chance to continue reinventing myself and connecting with my fans.

Q: Who were your biggest influences in the music industry?

My father and Whitney Houston were my biggest influences. My father was the first performer I saw in church, and Whitney Houston was like a dream come true for me. I idolized her and had the opportunity to work with her, which was incredible.

Q: What were some of your favorite moments from your TV show "Moesha"?

Meeting Maya Angelou and having her on the show was one of my favorite moments. She was an incredible woman who inspired so many people. I also loved the opportunity to grow up through the eyes of the character Moesha and to explore real teenage issues.

Q: How do you balance your career with being a mother?

My daughter is my biggest inspiration and motivation. I have a great support system with my family and friends, which helps me stay grounded and focused. The love for what I do and the connection with my fans also keeps me motivated to keep going.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Brandy reflects on her nearly 20-year career as an entertainer, discussing her accomplishments and the challenges she has faced.

  • She talks about her biggest influences in the music industry, citing her father and Whitney Houston as her primary inspirations.

  • Brandy shares her experiences on the TV show "Moesha," discussing her favorite guest stars and the impact the show had on African American representation in the media.

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