My First Year Of SMMA (Honest Review) | Summary and Q&A

September 12, 2022
Charlie Morgan
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My First Year Of SMMA (Honest Review)


Starting a social media marketing agency is incredibly difficult and requires immense dedication and tolerance for pain.

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Key Insights

  • 🛄 Starting an SMMA is not easy or straightforward, despite what some online courses may claim.
  • 👨‍🎨 Pain and emotional rollercoasters are inevitable when starting and building an agency.
  • 🍉 Expectations of instant gratification and quick success need to be replaced with a mindset of delayed gratification and long-term commitment.
  • 🏛️ The journey of building an agency can take several years, with the most challenging phase being the initial stage of starting.
  • 🤩 Embracing the pain and enduring hardships are key factors in achieving success in the SMMA industry.
  • 💗 Growing an agency requires continuously refining and optimizing the niche, offer, and service.
  • 😤 Building a team and establishing efficient systems for client acquisition and retention are essential for running a successful agency.


so the first 12 months of a business tend to be the rockiest hardest and most excruciating months of an entrepreneur's life in today's video i'm going to explain and basically give you details on my first 12 months in smma i'm gonna tell you the truth you've been lied to very heavily by a lot of people on the internet around where snma actually is ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why do many people believe that starting an SMMA is easy?

Many courses and online content creators tend to oversimplify the process to sell their programs, leading to unrealistic expectations among aspiring agency owners.

Q: Is it possible to achieve success quickly in the SMMA industry?

While it is theoretically possible, in reality, building a sustainable agency takes time and hard work. It can take several years to reach a consistent revenue of $10,000 per month or more.

Q: What are the three stages of the agency journey?

The three stages are starting, growing, and running. Starting is the most painful and involves finding the right niche, offer, and service. Growing focuses on implementing systems to attract more clients. Running is the least painful and occurs when the agency has a team and established client acquisition and retention processes.

Q: How important is pain tolerance in building a successful agency?

Pain tolerance is crucial. The more willing an entrepreneur is to endure the challenges and setbacks, the more likely they are to achieve success in growing their agency. Pain and discomfort are part of the journey.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video provides an honest and detailed account of the first 12 months in building a social media marketing agency (SMMA).

  • The speaker, who has experience running successful marketing agencies, emphasizes the challenges and hardships involved in starting an agency.

  • He highlights the importance of understanding the reality and being mentally prepared for the difficulties ahead.

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