More uses for commas | Punctuation | Grammar | Khan Academy | Summary and Q&A

June 7, 2016
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More uses for commas | Punctuation | Grammar | Khan Academy


Learn how to use tag questions, direct address, and commas for effective communication.

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Key Insights

  • 💐 Tag questions seek confirmation or clarification in a positive-negative flow.
  • 📁 Direct address involves addressing someone by using their name followed by a comma.
  • 😃 Yes and no responses are formatted with yes or no followed by a comma.
  • 🖐️ Commas play a crucial role in separating different elements in communication.
  • ❓ Effective communication involves the use of tag questions, direct address, and commas.
  • ⚡ Tag questions help to engage the listener and seek input.
  • 📁 Direct address helps to grab someone's attention and direct a question or statement towards them.


  • [Voiceover] Hello, grammarians, and hello, Paige. - [Voiceover] Hi, David. - [Voiceover] Paige, I have a question for you. - [Voiceover] What's up? - [Voiceover] You like cheese, don't you? - [Voiceover] Why, yes, I do. - [Voiceover] So, Paige, what I've just asked you is an example of what's called a tag question. So I'm making an assertion and ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is a tag question?

A tag question is a question added to an assertion and is used to seek confirmation or clarification. It follows a positive-negative flow and is separated by a comma.

Q: How is direct address used in communication?

Direct address involves directly addressing someone by using their name followed by a comma. It is used to get someone's attention or ask them a question.

Q: How should yes and no responses be formatted?

Yes and no responses should be formatted with yes or no followed by a comma. This use of commas helps to separate the introductory element from the rest of the sentence.

Q: What can commas be used for?

Commas have various separating abilities, including separating tag questions, direct address, and yes or no responses. They are powerful tools in effective communication.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • This video discusses the use of tag questions, direct address, and commas in communication.

  • Tag questions are based on a positive-negative flow and are used to seek confirmation.

  • Direct address involves directly addressing someone by using their name followed by a comma.

  • Yes and no commas are used when responding to a question, with yes or no followed by a comma.

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