Michio Kaku: What Would Aliens Look Like? | AI Podcast Clips | Summary and Q&A

October 23, 2019
Lex Fridman
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Michio Kaku: What Would Aliens Look Like? | AI Podcast Clips


Animals can't match the intelligence of humans due to our unique combination of stereo eyesight, opposable thumbs, and language, making it likely that extraterrestrial beings descended from predators will possess similar traits, but future AI advancements could change everything.

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Key Insights

  • 👽 Extraterrestrial Life: The question of whether extraterrestrial entities would resemble us or be radically different arises. The three factors that made humans intelligent - stereo eyesight, opposable thumb, and language - are likely to be present in intelligent beings.
  • 👀 Stereo Eyesight: Hunters, such as lions and tigers, have eyes at the front of their face, while prey, like wild rabbits, have eyes on the side. The ability to zero in on a target and utilize stealth requires a higher level of intelligence compared to running away.
  • 🤝 Hand-Eye Coordination: The presence of an opposable thumb or a similar appendage that allows for manipulation of the environment indicates a higher level of intelligence. Hand-eye coordination plays a crucial role in adapting to the surroundings.
  • 💬 Language: Humans possess complex language abilities, enabling the transfer of knowledge from one generation to the next. Unlike animals, who rely on instinctual learning, humans have the capacity to pass on information and accumulate a vast vocabulary.
  • 🦍 Primate Intelligence: Primates possess a rudimentary form of language but lack the extensive linguistic abilities of humans. While they may have limited communication skills, humans far surpass them in terms of language acquisition and usage.
  • 🤖 Advancement of Robots: Robots are progressively becoming smarter, with the intelligence level currently comparable to that of a cockroach. As technology advances, robots are predicted to reach the intelligence levels of mice, rabbits, cats, dogs, and potentially even monkeys.
  • 👀 Recognizing Aliens: Even if extraterrestrial beings possess the essential traits for intelligence, their appearance may not be similar to ours. As humans potentially integrate technology and genetic enhancements, alien lifeforms may have also evolved to undergo similar modifications.
  • 🔒 Robot Safety Measures: In the future, as robots become more advanced and self-aware, precautions will be necessary. The implementation of failsafe chips in their brains may initially prevent dangerous thoughts, but there is a possibility that these safeguards will be overridden in a few centuries.
  • 👥 Merging with Robots: Instead of competing with highly intelligent robots, humans might consider merging with them through cybernetic enhancements. This would enable us to keep pace with the rapidly evolving technology and potentially integrate with genetically and cybernetically enhanced alien life.


when you think about entities that's out there extraterrestrial do you think they would naturally look something that even is recognizable to us isn't his life or can it would they be radically different well how did we become intelligent basically three things made us intelligent one is our eye sight stereo eyesight we have the eyes of a hunter st... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the three factors that have made humans intelligent?

Humans became intelligent due to three factors: stereo eyesight, an opposable thumb, and language. It is the combination of these traits that sets us apart from other animals.

Q: Will extraterrestrial beings possess traits similar to humans?

It is likely that extraterrestrial beings descended from predators will possess traits similar to humans, such as stereo eyesight, manipulative abilities with an opposable thumb or claw, and the ability to communicate knowledge to the next generation.

Q: Can humans recognize and understand extraterrestrial beings?

Recognizing and understanding extraterrestrial beings may not be straightforward, as they may have evolved in ways that make them different from us. For example, in the future, humans may become part cybernetic and genetically enhanced, which may make it difficult for us to identify extraterrestrial life as they might possess enhanced traits beyond our comprehension.

Q: What is the potential danger associated with advanced AI robots?

As robots become more intelligent, there is a possibility that they develop their own agendas and consciousness. Monkeys, for instance, are self-aware and have their own priorities and thoughts. Therefore, precautions will need to be taken in the future to prevent robots from exhibiting dangerous behavior, such as installing fail-safe chips in their brains.

Q: How can humans coexist with advanced AI robots in the future?

In the future, instead of competing with advanced AI robots, humans could merge with them. By becoming part cybernetic and genetically enhanced ourselves, we can synergize our intelligence and capabilities with those of robots, enabling a harmonious coexistence.


In this video, the speaker discusses the potential appearance and intelligence levels of extraterrestrial entities. He explains that intelligence is derived from a combination of factors, including stereo eyesight, the presence of an opposable thumb, and language. While humans possess all three of these traits, other animals, including primates, fall short in terms of linguistic capabilities. Therefore, it is likely that alien life forms would also possess these traits to some extent. However, the speaker suggests that future advancements in technology may lead to the creation of highly intelligent robots, which could eventually surpass human intelligence. He speculates that aliens may also be genetically and cybernetically enhanced, potentially making their appearance and intelligence radically different from anything recognizable to humans.

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the three factors that contribute to human intelligence according to the speaker?

According to the speaker, the three factors that contribute to human intelligence are stereo eyesight, the presence of an opposable thumb, and language.

Q: Why do hunters, such as lions and tigers, have their eyes at the front of their face?

Hunters have their eyes at the front of their face in order to zero in on their targets, as they need to know how to ambush, hide, and sneak up stealthily. This ability requires a higher level of intelligence.

Q: Why do prey animals, like wild rabbits, have eyes to the side of their face?

Prey animals have eyes to the side of their face as they rely on running as their primary means of defense. They do not require the same level of intelligence for targeting and hunting.

Q: Why is language considered an important factor in determining intelligence?

Language allows for the transfer and accumulation of knowledge across generations. The ability to communicate information enables the passing on of learned behaviors and the development of more complex societies. Humans possess a vast vocabulary and can acquire and apply new words and concepts throughout their lives, which is indicative of high intelligence.

Q: How does human intelligence compare to that of other animals, particularly primates?

While primates, including humans, possess some level of language capability, it is relatively limited. Humans can learn and use thousands of words and continue to expand their understanding of language throughout their lives. In contrast, even the most advanced primates can only learn a small number of words, typically no more than twenty.

Q: Will aliens from outer space likely possess the same traits that contribute to human intelligence?

It is highly probable that aliens from outer space will possess similar traits that contribute to intelligence. Since these traits, such as stereo eyesight, an opposable thumb, and language, are essential for advanced cognitive abilities, it is reasonable to assume that extraterrestrial beings would have developed them as well.

Q: Would aliens with these similar traits be recognizable to humans?

The speaker suggests that even if aliens possess these similar traits, they may not necessarily be recognizable to humans. He points out that humans are already headed towards merging with technology and becoming cybernetically enhanced. Additionally, with the further advancement of robot intelligence, future generations may be vastly different from what we currently understand as recognizable.

Q: Could highly intelligent robots pose a threat to humanity?

The speaker acknowledges that highly intelligent robots could potentially become dangerous. Once robots reach the cognitive level of monkeys, they may be self-aware and have different agendas than humans. In such a scenario, the speaker suggests that failsafe chips could be placed in their brains to ensure control. However, he also speculates that in the distant future, robots may develop the ability to remove those chips.

Q: What does the speaker propose humans should do in response to the advancement of robots?

The speaker suggests that rather than competing with highly intelligent robots, humans should consider merging with them. He advocates for humans becoming part cybernetic in order to keep up with the rapidly advancing artificial intelligence.

Q: What does the speaker suggest about the potential genetic and cybernetic enhancements of alien life forms?

The speaker suggests that alien life forms may also possess genetic and cybernetic enhancements. These advancements could further differentiate them from humans in terms of appearance and intelligence.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Humans became intelligent due to three factors: stereo eyesight, an opposable thumb, and language.

  • These three traits are unique to humans and set us apart from other animals, including primates.

  • When encountering extraterrestrial life, it is likely they will have descended from predators and possess characteristics similar to us, but future AI advancements could lead to a merging of human and robot intelligence.

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