Zach Bitter: Ultramarathon Running | Lex Fridman Podcast #205 | Summary and Q&A

July 28, 2021
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Zach Bitter: Ultramarathon Running | Lex Fridman Podcast #205


Ultra marathon runner and coach, Zach Bitter, discusses the range of emotions and mental processes involved in running ultra marathons and the importance of mindset in achieving peak performance.

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Key Insights

  • 🏃 Running brings both physical and mental challenges, pushing individuals to their limits and forcing them to confront their own thoughts and emotions.
  • 🔥 Ultra marathon runners like Zach Bitter experience a wide range of emotions and mental processes during their races, from positive and inspirational thoughts to negative and self-critical ones.
  • 🏆 The mental battle to keep negative thoughts at bay is crucial for performance and success in ultra marathons.
  • ⚖️ Different strategies can be effective in managing negative thoughts during a race, from forcefully shutting them down to observing and allowing them to pass.
  • 💪 The ability to push through moments of self-doubt, fatigue, and pain is key to achieving better race outcomes and personal growth as a runner.
  • ♂️ The decision to quit during a race is a common struggle for many runners, but it is important to recognize the bigger picture and why you chose to take on the challenge in the first place.
  • 🌟 Never quitting can lead to personal growth and a sense of accomplishment, while quitting may lead to regret and missed opportunities.
  • ️ Setting a world record in a 100-mile ultra marathon requires focus, preparation, and attention to both race day strategies and training variables.
  • 🌄 The beauty of running lies in the moments of flow and the feeling of progress, both during training and on race day.
  • 💙 Running provides a sense of joy and fulfillment, pushing individuals to improve and be the best version of themselves on and off the track.


the following is a conversation with zach bidder ultra marathon runner and coach who held multiple world records in the 100 mile run and other ultra endurance events he is currently training for a run across america which for now is planned for september this year like many of the things zack has done in the past this is a big fascinating challenge... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the mental aspect of ultra marathons differ from other endurance sports?

The mental aspect of ultra marathons is unique due to the wide range of emotions and mental processes experienced over an extended period of time. While other endurance sports may have similar challenges, the duration and intensity of ultra marathons add complexity to the mental game.

Q: What are some strategies for managing negative thoughts during an ultra marathon?

Different strategies work for different individuals, but some common techniques include positive self-talk, focusing on small goals and milestones, distraction techniques like listening to music or podcasts, and practicing mindfulness and acceptance of negative thoughts while letting them pass.

Q: How does mindset impact performance in ultra marathons?

Mindset plays a critical role in ultra marathon performance. Maintaining a positive and focused mindset can lead to better races, while letting negative thoughts creep in can spiral into a downward mental and physical spiral. Developing a strong mindset and learning to manage thoughts and emotions throughout the race can lead to improved performance.

Q: How does breaking records impact the progression of the sport?

Breaking records pushes the boundaries of what is possible in the sport and inspires others to aim for new goals and achievements. It opens doors for new athletes to challenge themselves and raises the overall level of competition, leading to further advancements and improvements in the sport.


In this conversation, Zach Bitter, an ultra marathon runner and coach, discusses his experiences running ultra marathons and provides insights into the mental and physical challenges of the sport. He shares his thoughts on the range of emotions and mental processes that occur during a race, as well as strategies for managing negative thoughts and maintaining a positive mindset. Zach also talks about the importance of finding the right balance between pushing yourself and taking care of your body, and how stepping away from your main focus can help rejuvenate your motivation and performance. He emphasizes the significance of never quitting, both in running and in life, and explains that while optimal performance is important, over-optimization can be detrimental. Finally, he touches on the different types of ultra marathons and the variables that come into play when setting world records.

Questions & Answers

Q: What range of emotions and mental processes do you experience during an ultra marathon?

During an ultra marathon, you experience the full spectrum of emotions and mental processes. It's like living multiple lives or a full life in a condensed period of time. There are moments of positivity, negativity, and everything in between. It's a battle to keep the negative thoughts at bay and maintain a positive mindset, but it's crucial for better race performance. Negative thoughts can spiral and lead to self-doubt and even thoughts of quitting, so it's important to be aware of them and manage them effectively.

Q: How can you prevent negative thoughts from affecting your race performance?

Preventing negative thoughts from affecting race performance requires staying in control of your mindset. In the beginning of a race, it may be easy to dismiss negative thoughts and stay positive, but as fatigue sets in, self-doubt can creep in. It's crucial to address these thoughts early on and shift to a more positive mindset. One strategy is to remind yourself of the training you've done and focus on the present moment. It's also valuable to have a template or previous experience to draw from when facing negative thoughts, as it helps to know how your mind works and what strategies are effective for maintaining a positive mindset.

Q: What are the different approaches to managing negative thoughts during a race?

The two approaches that stand out are the extreme approaches of David Goggins and Sam Harris. David Goggins uses a confrontational approach, refusing to be the weak version of himself and pushing through with anger and determination. Sam Harris, on the other hand, advocates for observing the thought and letting it pass, accepting the natural flow of things. Both approaches have value, and most people can benefit from a combination of both. Sometimes a kick in the ass is needed to motivate oneself, while at other times a softer, more rational approach is effective. It's about finding what works for you in different situations.

Q: How do you deal with thoughts of quitting during a race?

Thoughts of quitting are common during long races, and it's important to have strategies in place to overcome them. One approach is to remind yourself of the bigger picture and why you started the race in the first place. Reflect on the months of preparation and training you've put in and the goals you set for yourself. This perspective helps you realize that quitting would mean discarding all the effort and progress you've made. It's also essential to acknowledge that quitting is a choice and ask yourself why you're doing it. If running is still the most meaningful thing for you and aligns with your values, then holding yourself accountable and not quitting is the right choice.

Q: Is it advisable to always live by the ethos of never quitting in life?

Living by the ethos of never quitting can be beneficial in many aspects of life, especially when it comes to personal growth and achievement. However, it's important to recognize that over-optimization and the pursuit of perfection can be dangerous. Sometimes it's necessary to step back and assess whether the activity or goal is truly meaningful to you. It's easy to overextend and try to do multiple things, but it's crucial to prioritize what truly matters to you. Having a clear understanding of why a certain endeavor is important to you can help you stay motivated and focused. The key is to strike a balance between persistence and discernment to ensure you're investing your time and energy wisely.

Q: What does it take to run 100 miles?

Running 100 miles is achievable for most people, even without significant preparation. The human body has an incredible capacity to endure and adapt if it needs to. However, to optimize performance and get the most out of your body, it requires a more focused approach. Setting specific goals beyond just finishing the race adds complexity. It involves considering various variables such as fueling strategies, hydration, pacing, and efficiency during aid station transitions. It's like moving from playing checkers to chess, where you have to take into account multiple factors and make strategic decisions. The key is to focus on the big variables and be mentally prepared to handle unforeseen circumstances on race day.

Q: What does it take to set a world record in a 100-mile race?

To set a world record in a 100-mile race, one must focus on that particular event and optimize all aspects of preparation and performance. There are variables to control, like selecting races with ideal conditions and courses. However, there are also factors beyond your control, such as the pacing and behaviors of other runners during multi-race events. It's essential to understand the variables unique to each race and adapt accordingly. The world record pursuit requires a comprehensive approach, incorporating training, nutrition, pacing strategies, and mental resilience. It's a continuous process of learning and refining to push the boundaries of human performance.

Q: Are there different types of ultra marathons?

Yes, ultra marathons come in various forms, each with its own unique challenges and characteristics. Some notable ones include the Western States 100, which is the most competitive trail ultra marathon in the United States. It has a specific course and attracts top athletes from around the world. The Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc (UTMB) is another famous and highly competitive trail ultra marathon. It's considered one of the most demanding races globally and draws elite runners from different countries. On the road running side, there's the Comrades Marathon, a historically significant and fiercely competitive ultra marathon in South Africa. The ultra marathon landscape is diverse, encompassing both trail and road races, creating a range of experiences and opportunities for runners.

Q: Why is consistency important in terms of the course length in ultra marathons?

Consistency in course length is important for comparing performances across different years and establishing records. While there are variations in distance among different ultra marathons, certain races strive to maintain course length consistency. In the United States, there's typically more emphasis on exact distances, and deviations can be a point of contention for some runners. In Europe, however, the focus is often more on the specific route or loop, and precise distances may be less important. Consistency helps runners gauge their performance relative to others and track their progress over time. However, it's essential to recognize the unique challenges and variables present in each race, irrespective of the course length.

Q: What variables did you analyze when attempting to set a world record in a 100-mile race?

When attempting to set a world record in a 100-mile race, I considered various variables related to both training and race day. I focused on controlling the controllable factors, such as fueling strategies, hydration, pacing, and aid station transitions during the race. Additionally, analyzing previous records and performances on specific courses allowed me to identify areas for improvement and potential strategies to optimize performance. I also paid attention to variables unique to each race, including the course environment, weather conditions, and the behavior of other runners in multi-race events. Balancing these variables and making smart decisions on race day is crucial to achieving a world record performance.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Ultra marathon running involves a wide range of emotions and mental processes, from positive and inspirational thoughts to negative and self-critical thoughts.

  • Managing the mental aspect of ultra marathons is crucial for peak performance, with the ability to minimize negative thoughts and maintain focus on the experience rather than the outcome.

  • The mindset of never quitting is important, but it's also essential to assess whether the pursuit aligns with personal goals and values, and to learn from past experiences to improve performance.

Q: How does the mental aspect of ultra marathons differ from other endurance sports?

The mental aspect of ultra marathons is unique due to the wide range of emotions and mental processes experienced over an extended period of time. While other endurance sports may have similar challenges, the duration and intensity of ultra marathons add complexity to the mental game.

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