Michael Levin: Biology, Life, Aliens, Evolution, Embryogenesis & Xenobots | Lex Fridman Podcast #325 | Summary and Q&A

October 1, 2022
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Michael Levin: Biology, Life, Aliens, Evolution, Embryogenesis & Xenobots | Lex Fridman Podcast #325


Planarian, a type of flatworm, possess remarkable regenerative abilities and can regenerate their brains. They are immortal and have been around for 400 million years, challenging theories about lifespan limits. Their unique abilities offer insights into the mysteries of life.

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Key Insights

  • 🧠 Planarian can regenerate their brains after decapitation, showcasing their remarkable regenerative abilities.
  • 🤕 Their immortality challenges traditional theories of aging and lifespan limitations, highlighting alternative mechanisms for longevity.
  • 🧠 Planarian's true symmetry and true brain make them a more advanced life form compared to earthworms and provide intriguing insights into the origins of intelligence.
  • 🥹 The study of planarian regeneration holds promise for advancements in regenerative medicine and the development of new therapeutic approaches.


it turns out that if you train a planarian and then cut their heads off the tail will regenerate a brand new brain that still remembers the original information I think planaria hold the answer to pretty much every deep question of life for one thing they're similar to our ancestors so they have true symmetry they have a true brain they're not like... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do planarian regenerate their brains after decapitation?

Planarian have the ability to regenerate their brains by using their existing stem cells. After decapitation, stem cells in the tail area migrate to the wound site and differentiate into new brain cells, allowing the brain to regenerate.

Q: How do planarian challenge theories on lifespan limitations?

Planarian are immortal and do not show signs of aging. This defies the conventional belief that all organisms eventually degrade over time. Their longevity of 400 million years suggests that there are different mechanisms at play, and planarian could provide insights on lifespan limitations.

Q: What is the significance of planarian's true symmetry and true brain?

Planarian possess true symmetry, unlike earthworms, which allows them to have a more advanced form. Their true brain, which retains memories and information after regeneration, highlights the complexity of their cognitive abilities and its connection to their regenerative capabilities.

Q: How can the study of planarian contribute to regenerative medicine?

Understanding the regenerative abilities of planarian, including brain regeneration, can provide insights into the cellular mechanisms and signaling pathways involved in tissue regeneration. This knowledge can potentially be applied to develop novel regenerative therapies for human medicine.

Q: How do planarian regenerate their brains after decapitation?

Planarian have the ability to regenerate their brains by using their existing stem cells. After decapitation, stem cells in the tail area migrate to the wound site and differentiate into new brain cells, allowing the brain to regenerate.

More Insights

  • Planarian can regenerate their brains after decapitation, showcasing their remarkable regenerative abilities.

  • Their immortality challenges traditional theories of aging and lifespan limitations, highlighting alternative mechanisms for longevity.

  • Planarian's true symmetry and true brain make them a more advanced life form compared to earthworms and provide intriguing insights into the origins of intelligence.

  • The study of planarian regeneration holds promise for advancements in regenerative medicine and the development of new therapeutic approaches.

  • Understanding the intricate cellular mechanisms and signaling pathways involved in planarian regeneration may pave the way for future breakthroughs in regenerative therapies.


In this video, Michael Levin, a biologist at Tufts University, discusses the fascinating and complex process of embryogenesis and explores the idea that true cognition can be found in collective intelligence. He explains that the process of embryogenesis is gradual and smooth, with no specific point at which the transition from physics to mind occurs. DNA, according to Levin, encodes the hardware of life, while other factors such as environmental laws and physiological software contribute to the formation of physical reality. He also talks about the concept of selfhood and how it emerges from collective behavior and goal-directed actions of cells. Finally, Levin touches on the concept of engineering biology, using examples such as xenobots to show how cells can be trained and controlled to exhibit specific behaviors.

Questions & Answers

Q: How does embryogenesis work and what is its significance?

Embryogenesis is a magical and gradual process through which a single-cell organism develops into a complex entity with high-level cognition. It shows that the transformation from physics to mind is smooth and continuous, with no specific point of transition. It challenges the notion that true cognition appears suddenly and suggests that it arises gradually as cells interact and form collective intelligence.

Q: What does DNA encode and how does it relate to physical reality?

DNA encodes the hardware of life, including proteins, signaling factors, and other components that cells use to carry out their functions. However, physical reality is not solely determined by DNA. There are other factors at play, such as environmental laws, mathematical principles, and computational processes that are not directly encoded in DNA. These factors interact with DNA and shape the development and behavior of organisms.

Q: Is there a distinction between physics and true cognition?

According to Levin, there is no clear distinction between physics and true cognition. The transition from physics to mind is continuous and gradual. Our understanding of physics and the laws that govern it are part of the continuum that leads to the emergence of true cognition. It is essential to move away from binary categorizations and recognize that these concepts exist on a continuum.

Q: How does DNA interact with the laws of physics and computation?

DNA provides the hardware for life, and its structure and sequences determine the proteins, ion channels, and other elements that cells possess. However, DNA alone is not sufficient to create the complexity of biological systems. The laws of physics and computation interact with DNA, enabling cells to carry out complex functions and behaviors. Evolution has discovered certain machines and laws, and if the physical implementation of these machines is appropriate, they can be used to perform additional functions without the need for further evolution.

Q: Are the laws of biology discovered in a similar way to the laws of mathematics?

Yes, it is fair to say that just as the laws of mathematics are discovered and inherent in the fabric of the universe, the laws of biology are also discovered. Biology uses the laws of physics and computation to shape and guide the development and behavior of organisms. These laws are built into the interactions between cells, tissues, and organs, allowing biological systems to exhibit complex and intelligent behaviors.

Q: What are xenobots, and how do they relate to biology and robotics?

Xenobots are self-assembling biological robots created from frog skin cells. They possess biological agency and can perform actions and behaviors that are not dictated by their DNA sequences. Through a combination of cellular and evolutionary simulations, researchers can manipulate and reprogram xenobots to exhibit new behaviors. The interplay between biological and computational approaches is crucial for understanding the innate capacities of these agents and for engineering them in the future.

Q: How does the field of biology inform AI and vice versa?

The study of biology can provide valuable insights and inspiration for AI research. Biological systems exhibit complex pattern formation, cognitive abilities, and problem-solving mechanisms that can inform the design of AI algorithms and systems. Similarly, AI can bring computational and analytical techniques to the study of biology, enabling scientists to analyze large datasets and simulate biological processes more effectively. The interchange between these fields has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of both biology and AI.

Q: How do cells exhibit collective intelligence and autonomy?

Cells possess intelligence and memory at the individual and collective levels. Each level, from molecular networks to tissues and organs, has its own goals and preferences, contributing to the overall collective behavior. Cellular interactions and signaling processes allow cells to work together and navigate different spaces, such as morphological, transcriptional, and metabolic spaces. The emergence of selfhood and autonomy arises from the interplay between individual and collective behavior, where cells negotiate their identities and roles within the system.

Q: How does embryogenesis determine the self and collective intelligence?

Embryogenesis involves the formation of an organism from a single cell and the emergence of collective intelligence. The process begins with a flat disc of cells, and through symmetry-breaking amplification, one region becomes the head, while the others become different tissues and organs. The collective intelligence of the cells determines the development and function of the organism. The selfhood and collective intelligence that arise from embryogenesis result from the establishment of boundaries, the measurement of shape, and the pursuit of goals shared by the collective.

Q: How does evolution produce problem-solving machines and shape biology?

Evolution does not produce solutions for specific problems or environments but rather problem-solving machines that can adapt to various conditions. These problem-solving machines are shaped by genetic variations and natural selection. Evolutionary processes modify both the hardware and software of biological systems to navigate different spaces and solve problems. The hierarchy of competency, where each level has its own goals, allows for cooperation and competition between levels, leading to the emergence of complex behaviors and high-level cognition.

Q: How does engineering biology differ from traditional engineering approaches?

Engineering biology involves working with agential materials, such as cells, that possess their own goals, preferences, and memories. Traditional engineering typically deals with passive materials that require external control. Engineering biology requires understanding the underlying biology and finding ways to manipulate cells through signals and experiences rather than micromanagement. This approach leverages the collective intelligence of cells and biological systems to achieve desired outcomes. It challenges the notion of engineering as a top-down control process and encourages an appreciation for the capabilities and autonomy of biological materials.


Michael Levin's discussion highlights the gradual and continuous nature of biological processes, from embryogenesis to the emergence of collective intelligence. He argues that true cognition exists in collective intelligence rather than in individual cells or organisms. The interplay between DNA, environmental laws, and physiological software shapes the development and behavior of biological systems. Engineering biology involves working with agential materials, such as cells, and understanding their goals and preferences to achieve desired outcomes. The hierarchy of competency and the cooperation and competition between levels contribute to the complexity and adaptability of biological systems. Embracing an engineering perspective helps us understand and harness the potential of biology and its applications in AI and robotics.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Planarian are flatworms that can regenerate their brains even after decapitation, retaining the original information they had. They defy aging and have existed for 400 million years, opening up new possibilities for understanding lifespan limitations.

  • Planarian possess true symmetry, a true brain, and various internal organs, making them a more advanced life form compared to earthworms. They are about 2 centimeters in size, with heads and tails.

  • The study of planarian could hold answers to deep questions about life, such as the origins of intelligence and the connection between physics and mind. Research on planarian regeneration may also contribute to advancements in regenerative medicine.

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