MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY ON: Before You WASTE 2023 Away, WATCH THIS! | Jay Shetty | Summary and Q&A

January 6, 2023
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Matthew McConaughey discusses his life experiences, including his aspirations to become a monk, the concept of "green lights" in life, the importance of writing and self-reflection, and his journey as a father.

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Key Insights

  • ✍️ McConaughey emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and writing to gain insights and learn from both successes and failures.
  • 🙂 Green lights in life can be engineered through daily habits, choices, and recognizing opportunities.
  • 🥺 Pivoting from a chosen path can lead to new and fulfilling opportunities.
  • 🤳 Personal growth and self-discovery can come from enduring through challenging times and embracing change.
  • 💌 McConaughey's journey as a father has taught him the value of letting children learn from their own experiences and supporting their autonomy.


when do most of us go to a diary when we're having problems I think I need to start writing stuff down to make sure I take the time to write stuff down when things are going well so I can dissect my successes when you won the Oscar in the in 2014 and you gave that speech I had a ritual at that time in my life where I listened to your speech every d... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why did Matthew McConaughey consider becoming a monk and how did he come to that realization?

McConaughey explains that he considered becoming a monk during a year of self-reflection and introspection while studying abroad in Australia. He was forced to rely on himself and explore his own identity, leading him to contemplate a life as a monk. However, a conversation with a monk friend made him realize that his calling might be to communicate through other means.

Q: What is the concept of "green lights" in life?

According to McConaughey, "green lights" represent moments of success, ease, and joy. They can be engineered through daily habits and choices, as well as recognizing opportunities. McConaughey believes that green lights can be both personal achievements and moments that are found unexpectedly.

Q: How does McConaughey suggest recognizing and embracing green lights in life?

McConaughey advises looking for green lights by enduring through challenging situations, pivoting and approaching things from a different perspective, and knowing when to raise the white flag and move on. He also suggests being present and aware of opportunities, as well as finding the balance between responsibility and freedom in decision-making.

Q: How did McConaughey decide to pivot from pursuing a career in law to becoming an actor?

McConaughey recognized that he was not passionate about spending his 30s in law school before practically experiencing his chosen career. He started sharing his writings with a friend in film school and realized he wanted to become a storyteller. With the support and approval of his parents, he made the decision to pivot and pursue his passion for acting.


This video features a conversation with Matthew McConaughey about his book "Greenlights." He discusses various topics such as the importance of writing things down, his life's calling, the concept of green lights, overcoming challenges, and making choices in life.

Questions & Answers

Q: When did Matthew McConaughey feel that his life's calling was to become a monk?

Matthew McConaughey had this realization during a year in Australia when he was an exchange student. He was alone in a foreign place, struggling with his identity, and forced to rely on himself. He started creating daily disciplines and considered becoming a monk. However, a monk friend advised him to use his communication skills in the outside world instead of isolating himself.

Q: What is the concept of green lights?

Green lights are moments in life that represent success, ease, and happiness. They can be engineered by the choices we make and the daily disciplines we create. Green lights can also occur naturally as unexpected opportunities. Recognizing and appreciating green lights can lead to more success in the future.

Q: Do we sometimes miss green lights?

Yes, we do. Sometimes, green lights are right in front of us, but we are not in a place to receive or recognize them. We may mistake them for red or yellow lights, or we may not see them because we are focused on negativity or resistance. It is important to be present, open, and aware in order to notice and appreciate the green lights in our lives.

Q: How can we engineer green lights for our future?

We can engineer green lights by making responsible choices that contribute to our future success. This process is similar to delayed gratification and involves teeing ourselves up for more green lights by being kind to our future selves. Taking care of our responsibilities today and creating positive habits can lead to more ease and success in the future.

Q: How do we know when something is a green light and do we sometimes miss them?

We can miss green lights when we are not in a place to receive or recognize them. Sometimes, we see red and yellow lights where there are actually green lights, and sometimes, we slow down or stop when we could have passed through freely. To find green lights, we can endure through a situation, pivot and reevaluate, or concede and live to fight another day. Additionally, when faced with inevitable situations, we can get relative and see the potential green lights in them.

Q: How do we deal with red lights in our lives?

Red lights, or challenging situations, can sometimes reveal green lights in the rearview mirror of life. While it may not be possible to see or appreciate the green lights immediately, they may become evident with time. Every red light has the potential to lead to something positive or bring about positive change, even if we don't see it right away. The key is to not deny or cover up the red light, but to embrace it and find the potential green lights within it.

Q: How did Matthew McConaughey's relationship with his father influence his life choices?

Matthew McConaughey's relationship with his father went through different phases. Initially, he wanted to make his father proud and fulfill his expectations. However, when his father passed away, it became a red light in his life. Losing his father made him reassess his values, reevaluate his relationship with his own mortality, and gain the courage to be his true self. In hindsight, he acknowledges that his father's passing played a significant role in shaping who he is today.

Q: How did Matthew McConaughey deal with challenging situations in his life without feeling like a victim?

Matthew McConaughey didn't perceive himself as a victim even in difficult situations. When he faced molestation or blackmail, he recognized that those were bad experiences but not representative of how life should be. He didn't let those incidents define him or affect his sense of self. Instead, he chose to move forward, seek healthy relationships and experiences, and not dwell on victimhood. He found humor and truth in difficult situations, which helped him navigate and rise above them.

Q: How did writing things down help Matthew McConaughey understand himself better?

Writing things down, specifically in diaries, allowed Matthew McConaughey to analyze his failures, successes, and different aspects of his life. He initially used diaries to express his thoughts during challenging times, but he realized the importance of also documenting his successes. By dissecting his successes and failures, he gained insights into his habits, choices, and the conditions that led to green lights in his life. This helped him reproduce positive behaviors and work towards future success.

Q: How did Matthew McConaughey make important life choices such as pivoting from being a lawyer to pursuing film?

Matthew McConaughey made the choice to pivot from pursuing law to pursuing a career in film. He realized that he wasn't excited about spending his 30s in a classroom and wanted to experience the practical side of storytelling. He took a risk by going against the family expectation, and approached his father with a well-planned conversation to gain his approval. This pivot allowed him to pursue his passion and ultimately led to more fulfilling opportunities.

Q: How did Matthew McConaughey handle the challenge of saying no to opportunities and unbrand himself?

Matthew McConaughey faced the challenge of saying no to offers for romantic comedies, even though they were financially lucrative and he was considered the rom-com king. He wanted to break free from the rom-com stereotype and pursue more challenging roles that aligned with the vitality he felt in his personal life. Saying no involved a risk of not getting any offers for a considerable period of time, but he trusted that if he remained true to himself, the right opportunities would come. This period of unbranding allowed him to explore different genres and ultimately led to more fulfilling roles that aligned with his personal growth.


In summary, Matthew McConaughey emphasizes the importance of writing things down to understand oneself better. He highlights the concept of green lights and the ability to engineer them through responsible choices and daily disciplines. He encourages recognizing and embracing both red and green lights in life's challenges and valuing the truths revealed through humor. Making choices in life requires persistence, pivoting, or conceding, and it is important to ask oneself what is truly desired before making decisions. Finally, Matthew McConaughey shares the significance of saying no to opportunities that don't align with one's authenticity, even if it means experiencing uncertainty and unbranding oneself to open the door to better opportunities.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Matthew McConaughey reflects on his experiences, including his time as a monk, which he considered his life's calling at one point.

  • He talks about the concept of "green lights" in life, explaining that they can be engineered through daily habits and choices, as well as recognizing and embracing opportunities.

  • McConaughey shares the importance of writing and self-reflection, emphasizing the need to write down both successes and failures to gain insights and dissect them.

  • He discusses his decision to pivot from pursuing a career in law to following his passion for storytelling and becoming an actor.

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